Worked as an iOS Engineer Intern on the Home feed team using Objective-C and Swift. Increased consistency in the codebase by building reusable follow buttons and reaction icons that are referenced across the app in feed, profile, and search. Exceeded expectations by launching four major changes to LinkedIn’s iOS app, such as changing how external videos are presented on feed and by adding cards on Feed that suggests companies and people users can follow. Returning to LinkedIn to intern as a software engineer on the profile team Winter of 2023.
While I was a software engineer on the Prime Reading team I implemented a scoped search bar on the Prime Reading storefront in the Kindle App (cross-platform development) using Java, HTML, CSS, and JSP. Added a left nav panel to the Prime Reading storefront that increased user engagement by making it easier to navigate in the Kindle App. Wrote documentation and created tech designs that other teams referenced when adding scoped search bars to their team’s storefront
Developed an iOS app using Swift and UIKit that has over 300,000 users and reached #2 in the App Store for education. Added important features like pagination on the messages page, a collectionview that suggests possible responses (similar to Linkedln’s messaging page), and a picture-in-picture video chat view. Improved back-end processes in Node.js when the app received a large influx of users. Used Google Cloud to catch violent or inappropriate pictures when uploaded into the cloud.
Programmed an autonomous and driver-controlled robot with Java that performed different tasks such as shooting frisbees or stacking blocks. Integrated a PID Control loop in order to ensure a consistent autonomous system. Programmed and engineered a successful robot during that won the State Tournament and qualified for the World Championship.