OMGCSS is an extremely lightweight css framework (9.1kB).
However we try to focus on availability (support multi-devices) with responsive elements, functionalities with the most possible useful elements, and simplicity.
Container (default takes 90%, but can be fixed too (see narrow head template))
Menus, Static Menu or Inline Menu (in-page)
Buttons (nice colors, default flat design, available rounded style)
Head (top article with bigger font)
Grid system (2, 3 or 4 columns)
Grid blocks can be merged.
Messages system. (These generally contain important infos)
Forms (with nice inputs)
Nice colors (can apply to buttons, menu buttons, forms input, messages, grid blocks)
We provide templates to help you create a website using it as a base application.
«OMGCSS changed my life. I found a job, a wife and now have a kid thanks to omgcss!» - John Doe
This whole project with its templates is provided under the MIT License (MIT)