The file list.json is automatically loaded by the keepix-server each 10 minutes.
This file contains an array who contains each plugins definitions.
Fork the repository and define your plugin on like this example:
When your json of plugin representation is ready please create a new pull request on the main branch target.
"id": "pluginId", // equals to the name of your plugin binary
"repositoryUrl": "...", // url of the plugin source code github repository
"packageName": "keepix-plugin-smart-node-build", // name of the npmjs package published
"title": "Ninja Plugin", // title displayed on the Keepix for your plugin
"description": "blabla...blabla...", // Description of what your plugin do and each important information before downloading it
"icon": "cryptocurrency:eth", // icon for your plugin ref:
"platforms": ["linux-arm64", "linux-x64", "win-x64", "win-arm64", "oxs-x64", "oxs-arm64"], // supported platforms for your plugin (represent the bin/linux-arm64,bin/linux-64,... present on your final build directory)
"requires": { // requirement section
"ports": [
"internal": 30303, // internal port exposed by the computer where the plugin are running on
"external": 30303, // external port exposed by the ethernet box
"protocol": "TCP", // TCP or UDP
"description": "keepix-upnp-nethermind-tcp" // description for the user
"installForm": {
"inputs": [
{ // example of get Mnemonic of one wallet at the install step
"key": "WalletMnemonic",
"type": "wallet",
"walletType": "ethereum",
"walletKey": "mnemonic",
"filter": "wallet.asMnemonic === true",
"label": "Select a Ethereum Wallet.",
"labelIfEmptyWalletList": "Please go on wallets page and create or import (with mnemomic) an Ethereum Wallet."
{ // example of a checkbox-2
"key": "AutoStart",
"type": "checkbox-2",
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No",
"defaultValue": true,
"label": "Auto Start"
... // more input will be available in the future (Ask the team if you need a specifical input).
"description": "Please select fill the form before install the plugin." // description for the install form