A web app that allows users to create, discover and share their favorite recipes.
Target audience: Home cooks
It was built by Kelly Atmore, William Wijaya, Dominik Wrona
As a user, I can search for a specific recipe.
As a user, I can access all the recipes.
As a user, I can create a new recipe.
As a user, I can delete my own recipes
As a user, I can edit my own recipes
As a user when I create a new recipe I can add a title, ingredients, directions, image, prep time, portion size, difficulty
Install dependencies with npm install
npm start
Front-End: React, Tailwind CSS Back-End: Express Database: Postgres, Firebase
- Axios
- Firebase
- Testing-library/jest-dom
- Testing-library/react
- Testing-library/user-event
- React
- React-dom
- React-router-dom
- Web-vitals
- Autoprefixer
- Postcss
- Tailwindcss