An old-fashioned keypad based input method (T9) for Vietnamese, support accents
(From Wikipedia )
T9's objective is to make it easier to type text messages. It allows words to be entered by a single keypress for each letter, as opposed to the multi-tap approach used in conventional mobile phone text entry, in which several letters are associated with each key, and selecting one letter often requires multiple keypresses.
- Program states: These are the program states:
- Inputting
- Confirmed
- Candidates: ...
- numSeq(keySeq): number sequence: the sequence of input keys' digit/char(?). (What should we call the Star/Sharp key?)
- combination character:
- User should interact mainly with the keypad (other means of interacting is optionally supported). (Keypad-centric accessibility: make use all the key on the keypad, prevent actions outside of the keypad (dialpad)).
- Uppercase should only occur at first letter of words.
- User should be able to select from a set of displayed candidates.
- When inputting, the possible candidates should be displayed.
- When confirm button is pressed, the selected candidate should be outputted.
- If no candidate is being selected then the first candidate will be used.
- If no candidates found, return the entered numSeq.
- The numSeq should be one of the candidates.
- If dawg has been built, use that dawg to minimize app start time.
- For Vietnamese:
- The output should NOT contain combining character, it should contains only rigid unicode character.
The UI will follow the MVP design pattern:
- Make the Activity implement the View interface
- Presenter: Receive UI event, wiring action with the UI(View)
- Model? - Everything else?
This project honor 7 virtues of good object by yegor256.
- Which standard to decompose vietnamese (syllable=ascii+accents)
- Follows the English T9 convention of key assignment
Because it's the only implementation that support persisting (serializing), and fast!
Decompose accented character. - Implement number-to-word based on wordlist (saved in database).
- Implement select candidate key.
- Support suggestion
- Flexibility via settings (accents right after character/accent at end of word)
- Support add new word to dictionary
- Flick input mode (for registering new word)
- Frecency algorithm?
- Vietnamese wordlist :
- Xu ly Tieng Viet wikia:
- syllables
- spell check dictionary