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Welcome to Mongolia!

Mongolia is a rest interface / data gateway built in node js and inspired by tools like stargate(cassandra) and prest(postgres). Application types where Mongolia can be really useful:

  • Dockerized apps (mongolia has a docker image that can be easily composable).
  • Small apps or simple projects that dont need a backend with business rules only bson storage.
  • Programming languages that dont have a good mongo db driver. Or languages where the drivers are not well documented.
  • Fast prototiping without having to worry about database configuration and pocs.


Mongolia readme docs!

Getting Started

> Run mongo db instance:

Using a default mongo db container docker run -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=mongolia -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=123 MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE=admin -p 27017:27017 or by using a docker-compose up -d if you want to use the docker compose in the official project folder: docker-compose mongo db

> Run mongolia container:

Run mongolia image: docker run -e MONGO_USERNAME=mongolia -e MONGO_PASSWORD=123 -e MONGODB_NAME=admin -e MONGODB_HOST=localhost -e MONGODB_PORT=27017 -p 3170:3170 kevindasilvas/mongolia or if you used the docker compose from the official project: docker run -e MONGO_USERNAME=mongolia -e MONGO_PASSWORD=123 -e MONGODB_NAME=admin -e MONGODB_HOST=mongolia_mongo_1 -e MONGODB_PORT=27017 -p 3170:3170 --net mongolia_default kevindasilvas/mongolia

> Authenticating to Mongolia (POST):

Using a request manager like insomnia(we have a collection ready for insomnia), postman, curl or your own app if you want to, make a post request tolocalhost:3170/auth , with a body containing the mongo username and password { "username": "mongolia", "password": "123" } if successful mongolia will return a payload containing the http code and the auth token like this: { "code": 201, "details": { "mongolia_auth_token": "b61fddb0-622a-4b56-8144-4b116aa480cf" } }

> Creating a collection (POST):

Now that we have the mongolia_auth_token in hands, we will set it as a header in our request "mongolia_auth_token": "b61fddb0-622a-4b56-8144-4b116aa480cf" , we´ll set a body containing the collection name and the collection properties: { "collectionName": "users", "collectionProperties": { "name": { "type": "String", "required":true }, "age": { "type": "Number" } } } (more on collection properties and allowed types) and with our header and body set lets make a post request tolocalhost:3170/collections,if successful mongolia will return an 204 http code response.

> Inserting in collection (POST):

Set the"mongolia_auth_token": "b61fddb0-622a-4b56-8144-4b116aa480cf" in headers again , and lets add a body to the request{ "name": "kevin", "age": 21 } and execute a post request tolocalhost:3170/collections/users,if successful mongolia will return an 201 http code response with the repective body: { "code": 201, "details": { "_id": "60843c79632f1dc33f3dbeaa", "name": "kevin", "age": 21, "__v": 0 } }.

> Get info in collection (GET):

Set the"mongolia_auth_token": "b61fddb0-622a-4b56-8144-4b116aa480cf" in headers again , and lets set our GET url localhost:3170/collections/users?name=kevin.You can add every collection field you set in collection properties + the default _id field in mongo to make your queries into mongo db (example: localhost:3170/collections/users?name=kevin&age=21&_id=random_mongo_id), but lets run our query, if everything get well you will get a result like this: { "code": 200, "details": [{ "_id": "60843c79632f1dc33f3dbeaa", "name": "kevin", "age": 21, "__v": 0 }] }

> Update info in collection (PATCH):

Set the"mongolia_auth_token": "b61fddb0-622a-4b56-8144-4b116aa480cf" in headers, set the body using the collection fields that you set in collectionProperties that you want to update { "name": "kevin updated this record" } and lets set our Path url localhost:3170/collections/users?name=kevin. if everything went well you will get a response like this: { "code": 200, "details": { "n": 1, "nModified": 1, "ok": 1 } }

> Delete info in collection (DELETE):

The steps are basically the same in the get you set "mongolia_auth_token": "b61fddb0-622a-4b56-8144-4b116aa480cf" in headers and lets set our Path url localhost:3170/collections/users?name=kevin. if everything went well you will get a response like this: { "code": 200, "details": { "n": 1, "ok": 1, "deletedCount": 1 } }

More Examples

Currently Supported Types

Mongolia currently supports the following mongo types: ["String", "Number",

"Date", "Buffer", "Boolean",

"Mixed", "ObjectId", "Array",

"Decimal128", "Map", "Schema"]. And array combinations with all the above types: ["[String]", "[Number]",

"[Date]", "[Buffer]", "[Boolean]",

"[Mixed]", "[ObjectId]", "[Array]",

"[Decimal128]", "[Map]", "[Schema]"]

Collection properties:

Mongolia currently supports the type(supported types for this field), required(true, false) and the unique(true, false) properties


Mongolia in get registers in collection not only supports fields but also supports the ?page=1 and the &limit=10,that you can customize to the amount of registers and pages do you need. Get example: localhost:3170/collections/users?name=kevin&page=2&limit=30

Comparitive Queries:

Since Mongolia 1.2 we allow the users to make queries using the following mongo comparative attributes( GT - greater than, GTE - greater than equal, LT - less than, LTE - less than equal, EQ - equal). Get example: localhost:3170/collections/users?name=kevin&age=@>GT18 mongolia also allow combinations of comparative attributes, like: localhost:3170/collections/users?name=kevin&age=@>GT18@>LT35


The mongolia project is always open for contributions, issues and Q&As. The project will be more focused in the following topics:

Adding more collection properties like default value for example But these are just suggestions we always try to be very community oriented so feel free to contribute with your PR.

Use cases

Use cases where mongolia showed its value connecting applications and mongo db through rest.

ProTip: More in the future.