║ ║╔═╝╔═║╔═ ╝╔═╝╔═║╝╔═╝ ║ ║╔═╝╔╔╝║ ║║║ ║╔╔╝║══║ ╝ ══╝╝ ╝══ ╝══╝╝ ╝╝══╝ Author: @KiranWells
A Rosè Pine-based theme for Leftwm. Optimized for 1440p.
- leftwm
- eww
- plymouth
- grub
- install_boot.sh has been run as root to install themes
- rofi - app lancher
- gdbus - locker
- feh - wallpaper setter
- python - for eww scripts
- bluetoothctl
- nmcli - NetworkManager
- awk
- xdotool - changing desktops
- amixer - for sound management
- xbacklight - for brightness widget
- i3lock - lock screen
- jq - used in the weather script
- picom (will also start compton, but will not configure it)
- setxkbmap - enable compose key
- kitty
- firefox (requires Cascade theme, see below)
- dunst
- stalonetray
The following lines need to be added to leftwm/config.ron
// Theme specific keybinds
(command: Execute, value: "rofi -no-lazy-grab -show drun -theme ~/.config/leftwm/themes/current/rofi/launcher.rasi", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "space"),
(command: Execute, value: "eww -c ~/.config/leftwm/themes/current/eww open-many background-overlay quit", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "q"),
This theme includes colors for the Cascade Firefox theme. It requires adding the following into the userChrome.css file, and removing the default colors.
@import url("colors.css");
Cascade Repository:
- Mouse edition: https://github.com/andreasgrafen/cascade
- Original: https://github.com/crambaud/cascade
For weather information to be fetched, an openweathermap.org API key needs to be put in $HOME/.openapi_weather_key
. In addition, the following line needs to be added to your users crontab (adjust times if desired):
*/5 * * * * ~/.config/leftwm/themes/current/eww/scripts/weather_info --getdata
Configurations for kitty, firefox, picom, dunst, and stalonetray are backed up and replaced if they exist. This can be disabled by commenting out the corresponding lines in the up
See credits.