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This project is a wrapper of node-mongodb-native

How to validate input?

I wrote a middleware to validate post data, node-iform base on node-validator


One of the most powerful Mongo drivers is node-mongodb-native. Most other drivers build on top of it, including mongoskin. Unfortunately, it has an awkward interface with too many callbacks. Also, mongoskin needs a way to hold a Collection instance as an MVC model.

See mongodb-native


Mongoose provides an ORM way to hold Collection instance as Model, you should define schema first. But why mongodb need schema? Some guys like me, want to write code from application layer but not database layer, and we can use any fields without define it before.

Mongoose provide a DAL that you can do validation, and write your middlewares. But some guys like me would like to validate manually, I think it is the tao of mongodb.

If you don't thinks so, Mongoose-ORM is probably your choice.


Mongoskin is an easy to use driver of mongodb for nodejs, it is similar with mongo shell, powerful like node-mongodb-native, and support additional javascript method binding, which make it can act as a Model(in document way).

It will provide full features of node-mongodb-native, and make it future.

If you need validation, you can use node-iform.

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npm install mongoskin

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Quick Start

Is mongoskin synchronized?

Nope! It is asynchronized, it use the future pattern. Mongoskin is the future layer above node-mongodb-native

Connect easier

You can connect to mongodb easier now.

var mongo = require('mongoskin');
mongo.db('localhost:27017/testdb').collection('blog').find().toArray(function(err, items){

Server options and BSON options

You can also set auto_reconnect options querystring. And native_parser options will automatically set if native_parser is avariable.

var mongo = require('mongoskin'),
    db = mongo.db('localhost:27017/test?auto_reconnect');

Similar API with node-mongodb-native

You can do everything that node-mongodb-native can do.

db.collection('user').ensureIndex([['username', 1]], true, function(err, replies){});
db.collection('posts').hint = 'slug';
db.collection('posts').findOne({slug: 'whats-up'}, function(err, post){
    // do something

Cursor easier

db.collection('posts').find().toArray(function(err, posts){
    // do something

MVC helper

You can bind additional methods for collection. It is very useful if you want to use MVC patterns with nodejs and mongodb. You can also invoke collection by properties after bind, it could simplfy your require.

db.bind('posts', {
   findTop10 : function(fn){
     this.find({}, {limit:10, sort:[['views', -1]]}).toArray(fn);
   removeTagWith : function(tag, fn){


db.collection('posts').removeTagWith('delete', function(err, replies){
  //do something

db.posts.findTop10(function(err, topPosts){
  //do something

db.comments.find().toArray(function(err, comments){
  //do something

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for more information, see the source.

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MongoSkin Url format




db(databaseUrl, db_options)

Get or create instance of SkinDb.

var db = mongoskin.db('localhost:27017/testdb?auto_reconnect=true&poolSize=5');

for ReplSet server

var db = mongoskin.db(['',
                database: 'testdb',
                retryMiliSeconds: 2000


select is function(collectionName) returns a database instance, means router collectionName to that database.

var db = mongo.router(function(coll_name){
    switch(coll_name) {
    case 'user':
    case 'message':
      return mongo.db('');
      return mongo.db('');
db.bind('user', require('./shared-user-methods'));
var users = db.user; //auth_db.user
var messages = db.collection('message'); // auth_db.message
var products = db.collection('product'); //app_db.product

classes extends frome node-mongodb-native

  • BSONPure
  • BSONNative
  • BinaryParser
  • Binary
  • Code
  • DBRef
  • Double
  • MaxKey
  • MinKey
  • ObjectID
  • Symbol
  • Timestamp
  • Long
  • BaseCommand
  • DbCommand
  • DeleteCommand
  • GetMoreCommand
  • InsertCommand
  • KillCursorCommand
  • QueryCommand
  • UpdateCommand
  • MongoReply
  • Admin
  • Collection
  • Connection
  • Server
  • ReplSetServers
  • Cursor
  • Db
  • connect
  • Grid
  • Chunk
  • GridStore
  • native
  • pure

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Construct SkinServer from native Server instance.

db(dbname, username=null, password=null)

Construct SkinDb from SkinServer.

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SkinDb(db, username=null, password=null)

Construct SkinDb.


Connect to database, retrieval native Db instance, callback is function(err, db).


Retrieval SkinCollection instance of specified collection name.

bind(collectionName, SkinCollection)

bind(collectionName, extendObject1, extendObject2 ...)

Bind SkinCollection to db properties as a shortcut to db.collection(name). You can also bind additional methods to the SkinCollection, it is useful when you want to reuse a complex operation. This will also affect db.collection(name) method.


db.bind('book', {
    firstBook: function(fn){
});, book){});

all the methods from Db.prototype

See Db of node-mongodb-native for more information.

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See Collection of node-mongodb-native for more information.

### open(callback)

Retrieval native Collection instance, callback is function(err, collection).


Equivalent to


See ObjectID.createFromHexString

rename(collectionName, callback)
createIndex (fieldOrSpec, unique, callback)
ensureIndex (fieldOrSpec, unique, callback)
indexInformation (callback)
dropIndex (indexName, callback)
dropIndexes (callback)

See mongodb-native indexes

See mongodb-native queries

findItems(..., callback)

Equivalent to

collection.find(..., function(err, cursor){

See Collection.find

findEach(..., callback)

Equivalent to

collection.find(..., function(err, cursor){

See Collection.find

findById(id, ..., callback)

Equivalent to

collection.findOne({_id, ObjectID.createFromHexString(id)}, ..., callback);

See Collection.findOne


If the last parameter is function, it is equivalent to native Collection.find method, else it will return a future SkinCursor.


// callback{}, function(err, cursor){/* do something */});
// future SkinCursor, books){/* do something */});



 * Various argument possibilities
 * 1 callback
 * 2 selector, callback,
 * 2 callback, options  // really?!
 * 3 selector, fields, callback
 * 3 selector, options, callback
 * 4,selector, fields, options, callback
 * 5 selector, fields, skip, limit, callback
 * 6 selector, fields, skip, limit, timeout, callback
 * Available options:
 * limit, sort, fields, skip, hint, explain, snapshot, timeout, tailable, batchSize

findAndModify(query, sort, update, options, callback)

  Fetch and update a collection
  query:        a filter for the query
  sort:         if multiple docs match, choose the first one in the specified sort order as the object to manipulate
  update:       an object describing the modifications to the documents selected by the query
    remove:   set to a true to remove the object before returning
    new:      set to true if you want to return the modified object rather than the original. Ignored for remove.
    upsert:       true/false (perform upsert operation)

findOne(queryObject, options, callback)

mapReduce(map, reduce, options, callback)

e.g.  ```
  var map = function(){
      emit(test(this.timestamp.getYear()), 1);
  var reduce = function(k, v){
      count = 0;
      for(i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
          count += v[i];
      return count;
  collection.mapReduce(map, reduce, {scope:{test:new client.bson_serializer.Code(t.toString())}}, function(err, collection) {
    collection.find(function(err, cursor) {
          cursor.toArray(function(err, results) {
          test.equal(2, results[0].value)

group(keys, condition, initial, reduce, command, callback)

e.g.  `[], {}, {"count":0}, "function (obj, prev) { prev.count++; }", true, function(err, results) {`

count(query, callback)

distinct(key, query, callback)

insert(docs, options, callback)

save(doc, options, callback)

  Update a single document in this collection.
    spec - a associcated array containing the fields that need to be present in
      the document for the update to succeed

    document - an associated array with the fields to be updated or in the case of
      a upsert operation the fields to be inserted.

    upsert - true/false (perform upsert operation)
    multi - true/false (update all documents matching spec)
    safe - true/false (perform check if the operation failed, required extra call to db)

update(spec, document, options, callback)

updateById(_id, ..., callback)

Equivalent to

collection.update({_id, ObjectID.createFromHexString(id)}, ..., callback);

See Collection.update

remove(selector, options, callback)

removeById(_id, options, callback)

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See Cursor of node-mongodb-native for more information.

All these methods will return the SkinCursor itself.

sort(keyOrList, [direction], [callback])
limit(limit, [callback])
skip(skip, [callback])
batchSize(skip, [callback])


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The future layer for node-mongodb-native.






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