Training project using Unity's Battle Tank base artwork
3D Tank Game from Outscal Project.
Gameplay Trailer
Playable Link
- 3 types of Tanks Blue, Green and Red tank.
- 3 tupes of Bullets Slow, Medium and Fast.
- Player can choose any from 3 tanks
- There will be 3 Enemies at a time with any of the types randomly
- Game run till Player death
- All of the Enemies are patroling to random point until Player comes into range
- 3 types of Achievemnts for Player, where each achievement can have 3 to 10 sub levels
- Scores reward for Completing achievement and kill enemies
- Collectible Health for Player
- Indication Arrow to point Collectible Health
- Player Health bar on UI and Enemy Health bar on top of that Enemy
- Achievement panel to display Achievements
- Sound system
- MVC for tanks and bullets
- Scriptable Objects for storing different types of datas of tanks and bullets
- State Machine for Enemies to do an tasks assigned for that states only
- Generic Object Pooling for tanks, bullets and particle effects to reusing same objects instead of Intantiate and Delete canstantly
- Observer Pattern for Achievements to keep track for conditions and call Observers
- Generic Singleton for Services like Player, Enemy, Bullets etc..