Hardware Description of an ARMv1 processor from scratch using the ARM programming guide
Hardware Description written in VHDL by Kevin Mambu and Nicolas Phan
1. Each contributor has their own branch (to prevent merge conflicts)
2. Each commit/merge to the branch 'master' shall be discussed beforehand
3. Always `git pull` when checking our on 'master'
- build/ Makefiles
- bin/ Binaries (from VHDL files but also Asm and C test programs)
- doc/ PDFs (ARM documentation, TMEs recap...)
- misc/ Miscellaneous files
- org/ All documents regarging the project's organization and avancement
- src/ VHDL source code
- test/ C and Asm test programs' source code
The file arborescence shall be equivalent to the entity/instance arborescence,
that means an imbrication level in the entity/instance arborescence is equivalent
to an imbrication level within the file arborescence.
Hence the rules :
- One entity (and architecture) = one file
- Each entity foo.vhdl in within an eponyme directory foo/
- The name for the testbench shall be foo_tb.vhdl
- This directory foo/ contains foo.vhdl and also directories of all entites
instanciated in foo.vhdl
- If an entity toto is instanciated in several entities a, b and c,
the toto/ directory shall be in a and there must be symbolic links to toto/
in b/ and c/
- If an entity is instanciated in many entities, put it in src/common/ and create
symbolic links in every directories of the instanciating entities.
**These rules are necessary for the makefile to run correctly and for the
arboresence to be consistent.**
Rq : When you're in foo/, by a simple `ls` you can see all the entities
that are instanciated in foo.vhdl.
**Check org/ to have a look at what's already been done and what's yet to do**