A to try out current architecture and android components (as of 2019). I have only spent a few hours on it since getting back from Canada at the end of September, so is still awork in progress.
My phone sometimes does this weird thing where it stops receiving GPS updates and can't connect to any satelittes. I thought I'd create a project to help diagnose the problem and perhaps fix it by resetting... something? Up until now the only fix I have is turning my phone on/off, but maybe there's a way to solve this programatically.
- FusedLocationProvider - The Android GPS apis were foreign to me, but this looks to be the most lightweight way to integrate location data (if you don't need to do anything to specialized
- Dagger2 - For dependecny injection
- Lifecycle-Aware Components - Such as ViewModel, to structure the app in a contemporary way according to the offical docs
- LiveData & Databinding - UI is automatically informed when data changes