This repository contains control algorithms for autonomous racing with a F1tenth racecar. All algorithms can either be used for simulation using the file, or for controlling the real pyhsical car using the file The desired algorithm and racetrack can be specified directly in these two main files. Fine-tuned algorithm settings for a specific racetrack can be specified in the corresponding config-files CONTROLLER.cfg in the directory /racetracks/RACETRACK/settings/. The simulation environment also supports head-to-head racing of two racecars.
For the simulation environment it is required that the F1tenth gym is installed. All other required python packages can be installed by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
in the command line.
Every controller should be implemented as an own class with constructor syntax
__init__(self, params, settings)
where params
is a dictionary containing the vehicle parameter (width, length, mass, etc.), and settings
is a dictionary
containing the parsed algorithm settings read from the corresponding CONTROLLER.cfg file. A config-file that defines valid values
for the algorithm has to be provided in the directory settings. Moreover, each controller class has to implement the function
plan(self, x, y, theta, v, scans)
which gets the positions x
and y
, the orientation theta
, and the velocity v
of the car as well as the current LiDAR
measurements scans
, and returns the control commands speed
and steer
. All controllers should be implemented as seperate files
in the directory /algorithms/.
For each racetrack a file RACETRACK.png that stores an image of the racetrack, a file RACETRACK.yaml that defines the origin of the racetrack, and a file config_RACETRACK.yaml that defines the start position of the racecar on the racetrack are required. All racetracks have to be contained in the directory /racetracks/.