Final project for EEC 289A Reinforcement Learning Course
- Kolin Guo
- Daniel Vallejo
- Fengqiao Yang
- Ubuntu 18.04
- NVIDIA GPU with CUDA version >= 10.1
- Docker version >= 19.03, API >= 1.40
- nvidia-container-toolkit (previously known as nvidia-docker)
Command to test if all prerequisites are met:
sudo docker run -it --rm --gpus all ubuntu nvidia-smi
bash ./
You should be greeted by the Docker container openaigym when this script finishes. The working directory is / and the repo is mounted at /RL289A-WQ2020.
- Training from scratch
python3 src/
Resume training from a checkpoint file
python3 src/ --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/DQN_Train --checkpoint_file ckpt-100000
- Testing
python3 src/ --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/DQN_Train
- Playing (generating game-play examples using training checkpoints)
python3 src/ --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/DQN_Train --checkpoint_file ckpt-100000
Some other available arguments can be viewed with --help
Our final presentation (with embedded audio) and report can be found in docs/ folder.
Some additional improvements (CNN+LSTM model, deadlock detection algorithm, A3C algorithm) are discussed at the end of our presentation.