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Releases: Kolmain/Evolution-A3


28 Jun 16:05
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  • [NEW] AO's completed from past session get BLUFOR marker.
  • [BUGFIX] Mission no longer gets stuck in error loop.
  • [CHANGE] Removed OPFOR snipers until I find alternative to broken BIS_fnc_Overwatch.
  • [CHANGE] Added OPFOR CAS to INIT arrays for customization/mod usage.


27 Jun 18:52
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  • [NEW] Time multiplier parameter, accelerate time to play in all scenarios!
  • [NEW] Support Assets: UAV, UGV.
  • [NEW] OPFOR now has random emplacements across AO.
  • [NEW] OPFOR may have snipers in/around AO.
  • [NEW] Added hints for support assets upon unlock.
  • [NEW] Players auto-report and spot OPFOR radio tower and officer. Task positions update globally.
  • [NEW] Mission parameter to mark active OPFOR sectors on map.
  • [NEW] Mission persistence: addon-less mission saving saves scores and completed AO's to server profile.
  • [NEW] Added TPW Radio, Air, Boats, and Cars.
  • [BUGFIX] OPFOR mines don't spawn on top of each other anymore.
  • [BUGFIX] OPFOR infantry no longer auto-delete after being killed.
  • [BUGFIX] FARPs/MASHs now have a working arsenal loadout box.
  • [BUGFIX] MHQ does not disappear anymore.
  • [BUGFIX] Support assets now correctly fire at targets in dedicated environments.
  • [BUGFIX] OPFOR Officer cannot be "captured" after he already is captured.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed officer KIA notification (error: no unit).
  • [BUGFIX] AT Mines on roads go in general directions of road now, not across them.
  • [CHANGE] MHQ now respawns like all other assets, wrecked in field, but is unusable until repaired.
  • [CHANGE] Available equipment at FARPs/MASHs are limited to owner's rank, not individual player.
  • [CHANGE] Player FARP/MASH crate updates on owner's respawn.
  • [CHANGE] Players cannot utilize MHQ when it is in need of repairs.
  • [CHANGE] Players can teleport back to HQ from the MHQ.
  • [CHANGE] Number of AO's can be set to 0 (side missions only).
  • [CHANGE] Temporarily disabled HitFX due to sound include bug.
  • [CHANGE] Support requests now open map and request coordinates - no more bombing yourself!
  • [CHANGE] Moved player map markers to onEachFrame instead of loop, performance impact? +/-?
  • [CHANGE] Increased max number of possible minefields.
  • [CHANGE] OPFOR now have their own mines "revealed" to them, so they shouldn't walk on them!
  • [CHANGE] Init.sqf now has arrays of units, change them to change the OPFOR faction and/or use mods.


25 Jun 00:04
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v1.2beta Pre-release
  • [NEW] Support Assets: UAV, UGV, Supply drop.
  • [NEW] OPFOR now has random emplacements across AO.
  • [NEW] Added hints for support assets upon unlock.
  • [NEW] Players auto-report and spot OPFOR radio tower and officer. Task positions update globally.
  • [NEW] Mission parameter to mark active OPFOR sectors on map.
  • [BUGFIX] OPFOR mines don't spawn on top of each other anymore.
  • [BUGFIX] OPFOR infantry no longer auto-delete after being killed.
  • [BUGFIX] FARPs/MASHs now have a working arsenal loadout box.
  • [BUGFIX] MHQ does not disappear anymore.
  • [BUGFIX] Support assets now correctly fire at targets in dedicated environments.
  • [BUGFIX] OPFOR Officer cannot be "captured" after he already is captured.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed officer KIA notification (error: no unit).
  • [CHANGE] MHQ now respawns like all other assets, wrecked in field, but is unusable until repaired.
  • [CHANGE] Available equipment at FARPs/MASHs are limited to owner's rank, not individual player.
  • [CHANGE] Player FARP/MASH crate updates on owner's respawn.
  • [CHANGE] Players cannot utilize MHQ when it is in need of repairs.
  • [CHANGE] Players can teleport back to HQ from the MHQ.
  • [CHANGE] Number of AO's can be set to 0 (side missions only).
  • [CHANGE] Temporarily disabled HitFX due to sound include bug.
  • [CHANGE] Support requests now open map and request coordinates - no more bombing yourself!
  • [CHANGE] Moved player map markers to onEachFrame instead of loop, performance impact? +/-?
  • [CHANGE] Increased max number of possible minefields.
  • [CHANGE] OPFOR now have their own mines "revealed" to them, so they shouldn't walk on them!


10 Jun 20:20
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  • [NEW] Difficulty mission parameter.
  • [NEW] Radio Tower now uses composition instead of just a radio tower.
  • [NEW] Player's now have access to AI-driven support assets, depending on rank.
  • [NEW] CROSSROADS plays radio squelch while transmitting.
  • [NEW] Staging Base has vehicle servicing area for auto rearm/refuel/repair.
  • [NEW] GAIA or UPSMON available to control OPFOR AI via mission parameters.
  • [NEW] Units can have on-hit and on-death SFX via mission parameter.
  • [NEW] AO may contain infantry minefields.
  • [NEW] AO may contain AT minefields.
  • [NEW] OPFOR mortars will deploy flares at night.
  • [CHANGE] AOs can have a random number of OPFOR mortar camps.
  • [CHANGE] Basic respawn moved to Iceman's script.
  • [CHANGE] MHQ is now repair-respawned, and must be repaired in the field to continue transporting units.
  • [CHANGE] GAIA is now default AI commander.
  • [CHANGE] Reverted scoring to vanilla ArmA 3. AI won't count towards players, but player gunners will share points with player drivers/commanders.
  • [CHANGE] BIS ambient combat sounds added to parameter list instead of being forced.
  • [CHANGE] OPFOR CAS no longer continues being reinforced once the radio tower is destroyed.
  • [CHANGE] Each AO has a randomized number of active squads, influenced by difficulty and progression.
  • [CHANGE] Reduced OPFOR AAA accuracy.
  • [BUGFIX] OPFOR infantry reinforce again.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed OPFOR Armor bug where it continuously respawned.
  • [BUGFIX] Briefing correctly populates rank restrictions.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed wonky scoring issues with change to vanilla a3 scoring.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed player MASH/FARP deployment.
  • [BUGFIX] Side mission selection is fixed.
  • [BUGFIX] Offroads respawn fixed.
  • [BUGFIX] MASH owners now receive points for auto-healing BLUFOR units at the MASH.

Stable 1.0 Release

03 Jun 22:18
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  • [NEW] Added Debug Mode parameter for bug hunting.
  • [BUGFIX] MHQ now respawns properly
  • [BUGFIX] PRIVATE weapon items are now available.
  • [BUGFIX] RandomWeather error fixed.
  • [BUGFIX] Players no longer receive double points.
  • [BUGFIX] Players no longer get stuck in negative points.
  • [CHANGE] CHHQ removed and swapped to rudimentary EVO MHQ.
  • [CHANGE] New loading screen added.
  • [CHANGE] More OPFOR infantry by default.

Release Candidate 9

01 Jun 01:05
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Release Candidate 9 Pre-release

[BUGFIX] Points earned by player controlled AI now get added to controlling player.
[BUGFIX] Upon revive, player is re-equipped with loadout they died with.
[BUGFIX] POWs now put their hands down and can move after capture.
[BUGFIX] FARPs/MASHs can now be deployed. (Warning! There is no space check, so you can deploy them anywhere!)
[BUGFIX] OPFOR no longer immediately disappear when killed after AO is cleared.
[BUGFIX] AI recruit count does not count players in squad.
[BUGFIX] OPFOR "armor" heads to AO at full speed now instead of limited, returns to limited speed in AO.
[BUGFIX] Visible Kill notifications are working again.
[NEW] Points earned by vehicle gunners are shared with drivers and commanders if said gunner is a player.
[NEW] OPFOR units that come within 800m of the staging base will be destroyed unless the "Defend HQ" sidemission is active.
[NEW] Additional clothing items added.
[CHANGE] Active OPFOR AO units only count units within 1000m of AO. Any other units won't be counted towards control of AO.
[CHANGE] General performance improvements.
[CHANGE] Players can only respawn on other players in their group, assuming the mission parameter is enabled.
[CHANGE] OPFOR CAS moved to UPSMON and will receive attack orders from ground units.
[CHANGE] OPFOR CAS may be heli, drone, or plane.

Release Candidate 10

01 Jun 23:37
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Release Candidate 10 Pre-release
  • [NEW] Players now have their rank insignia displayed on themselves.
  • [NEW] OPFOR Wheeled assets may be delivered to AO via slingload.
  • [NEW] You can now decide how many AO's you need to clear before mission ends.
  • [BUGFIX] FARPs/MASHs now spawn correctly with group respawn points.
  • [BUGFIX] "a"/"an" differences working in hints and notifications.
  • [BUGFIX] MASHs now heal WEST men over time.
  • [BUGFIX] FARPs/MASHs now have virtual arsenal local to each player on the ammobox in the composition.
  • [BUGFIX] When you disable ranked weapons, you can now recruit all types of AI up to 12.
  • [BUGFIX] OPREP displays again.
  • [BUGFIX] Offroad Vehicles and Unarmed Hunters respawn properly
  • [BUGFIX] MHQ respawns with MHQ capabilities
  • [BUGFIX] Visible Kill notifications no longer only display friendly fire.

Release Candidate 8

30 May 19:12
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Release Candidate 8 Pre-release
  • [BUGFIX] You can capture villages/cities again.
  • [BUGFIX] You can now deploy FARPs/MASHs anywhere. Becareful where you do, there is currently no check for space!
  • [BUGFIX] You can capture Officers again.
  • [BUGFIX] Notifications for objectives fixed.
  • [BUGFIX] You can now properly complete sidemissions.
  • [CHANGED] Map and task indicated which village/city will be reinforcing your AO.
  • [CHANGED] OPFOR squads are proper ArmA3 groups and no longer two fireteams.
  • [CHANGED] HALO insertions cost 3 points unless you are a PRIVATE.
  • [NEW] Leftover OPFOR units in AO randomly decide to surrender or continue fighting once you capture the AO. Bring them back to base for bonus points.

Release Candidate 7.5

30 May 03:43
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Release Candidate 7.5 Pre-release
  • [NEW] SetSkill of all OPFOR AI- no more laser kills!
  • [BUGFIX] Briefing correctly formatted.
  • [CHANGE] Slightly lowered altitude that BLUFOR AI Paradropped in from to increase chance of survival in AO.
  • [CHANGE] Removed PRIVATE vehicle and weapon notifications.

Release Candidate 7

29 May 21:20
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Release Candidate 7 Pre-release
  • [BUGFIX] You can now recruit AI again.
  • [BUGFIX] Each rank adds new types of AI to recruit.
  • [BUGFIX] OPFOR heli's now leave AO.
  • [BUGFIX] You can now enable full arsenal access.
  • [NEW] OPFOR AI now reinforce your target AO from the next AO.
  • [CHANGE] Removed armored/mechanized squads.
  • [CHANGE] Armor parameter now includes all vehicles.
  • [CHANGE] Infantry parameter now includes paradrops.