Ultra Sonic Communication Protocol
Uses ultrasonic frequencies to send 8 bit data to devices pretty close to you.
USCP encodes each Byte of data into each tone. A tone is transmitted for a short period of time before moving on to the next byte.
Each bit column data in a byte has it's own frequency, for example
(not the actual freqs used)
a -> 19000 b -> 19000 + 100hz c -> 19000 + 200hz d -> 19000 + 300hz etc..
This makes pretty things on a spectrogram.
The decoder watches the input as fast as possible, listening to all frequency bins that register above a threshold.
It makes bytes from the tone, and then calls back with a message.
The example is a great place to start
var modem = require('../modem');
// Start listening
modem.demodulate(function(error, message){
// We got a message! :D
// Currently it can't error..
modem.modulate('Hello world!');
You can encode all characters in the range from 1 to 255, which is probably enough.
I may eventually supporting packet sizes up to 64bit, if it works..