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Add some Luach Ahavat Shalom Zmanim
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Added Mincha Gedola, Mincha Ketana and Plag Hamincha as calculated by Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Hillel's Luach Ahavat Shalom.
A special thanks to Rabbi Daniel Aaron Glauberman who computed the actual times used in the Luach and was able to clarify details about the calculations. Rabbi Glauberman's calculations used in the actual luach uses more accurate refraction values (ray traced based on actual average monthly weather measurements where available), solar radius (has a range that has a total of 3 to 4 second range based on the actual radius of the sun on a given day, and not a yearly average)  and other accuracy tweaks that are not at this point included in this library (for example the high accuracy Jean Meeus algorithm that is about 3 seconds more accurate). Also includes some minor whitespace tweaks as suggested by @Elyahu41 in #182.
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KosherJava authored Sep 4, 2022
1 parent 54a4823 commit 67cffe9
Showing 1 changed file with 130 additions and 11 deletions.
141 changes: 130 additions & 11 deletions src/main/java/com/kosherjava/zmanim/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -664,6 +664,50 @@ public long getShaahZmanis96MinutesZmanis() {
public long getShaahZmanisAteretTorah() {
return getTemporalHour(getAlos72Zmanis(), getTzaisAteretTorah());

* Method to return a <em>shaah zmanis</em> (temporal hour) used by some <em>zmanim</em> according to the opinion of
* <a href="">Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Hillel</a> as published in the
* <em>luach</em> of the Bais Horaah of Yeshivat Chevrat Ahavat Shalom that is based on a day starting 72 minutes before
* sunrise in degrees {@link #getAlos16Point1Degrees() <em>alos</em> 16.1&deg;} and ending 14 minutes after sunset in
* degrees {@link #getTzaisGeonim3Point8Degrees() <em>tzais</em> 3.8&deg;}. This day is split into 12 equal parts with
* each part being a <em>shaah zmanis</em>. Note that with this system, <em>chatzos</em> (mid-day) will not be the point
* that the sun is {@link #getSunTransit() halfway across the sky}. These <em>shaos zmaniyos</em> are used for <em>Mincha
* Ketana</em> and <em>Plag Hamincha</em>. The 14 minutes are based on 3/4 of an 18 minute <em>mil</em>, with half a minute
* added for Rav Yosi.
* @return the <code>long</code> millisecond length of a <em>shaah zmanis</em>. If the calculation can't be computed
* such as in the Arctic Circle where there is at least one day a year where the sun does not rise, and one
* where it does not set, a {@link Long#MIN_VALUE} will be returned. See detailed explanation on top of the
* {@link AstronomicalCalendar} documentation.
* @see #getMinchaKetanaAhavatShalom()
* @see #getPlagAhavatShalom()
public long getShaahZmanisAlos16Point1ToTzais3Point8() {
return getTemporalHour(getAlos16Point1Degrees(), getTzaisGeonim3Point8Degrees());

* Method to return a <em>shaah zmanis</em> (temporal hour) used by some <em>zmanim</em> according to the opinion of
* <a href="">Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Hillel</a> as published in the
* <em>luach</em> of the Bais Horaah of Yeshivat Chevrat Ahavat Shalom that is based on a day starting 72 minutes before
* sunrise in degrees {@link #getAlos16Point1Degrees() <em>alos</em> 16.1&deg;} and ending 13.5 minutes after sunset in
* degrees {@link #getTzaisGeonim3Point7Degrees() <em>tzais</em> 3.7&deg;}. This day is split into 12 equal parts with
* each part being a <em>shaah zmanis</em>. Note that with this system, <em>chatzos</em> (mid-day) will not be the point
* that the sun is {@link #getSunTransit() halfway across the sky}. These <em>shaos zmaniyos</em> are used for <em>Mincha
* Gedola</em> calculation.
* @return the <code>long</code> millisecond length of a <em>shaah zmanis</em>. If the calculation can't be computed
* such as in the Arctic Circle where there is at least one day a year where the sun does not rise, and one
* where it does not set, a {@link Long#MIN_VALUE} will be returned. See detailed explanation on top of the
* {@link AstronomicalCalendar} documentation.
* @see #getMinchaGedolaAhavatShalom()
public long getShaahZmanisAlos16Point1ToTzais3Point7() {
return getTemporalHour(getAlos16Point1Degrees(), getTzaisGeonim3Point7Degrees());

* Method to return a <em>shaah zmanis</em> (temporal hour) calculated using a dip of 96 minutes. This calculation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1766,6 +1810,37 @@ public Date getMinchaGedola72Minutes() {
public Date getMinchaGedola16Point1Degrees() {
return getMinchaGedola(getAlos16Point1Degrees(), getTzais16Point1Degrees());

* This method returns the time of <em>mincha gedola</em> based on the opinion of <a href=
* "">Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Hillel</a> as published in the <em>luach</em>
* of the Bais Horaah of Yeshivat Chevrat Ahavat Shalom that <em>mincha gedola</em> is calculated as half a <em>shaah
* zmanis</em> after <em>chatzos</em> with <em>shaos zmaniyos</em> calculated based on a day starting 72 minutes befoe sunrise
* {@link #getAlos16Point1Degrees() <em>alos</em> 16.1&deg;} and ending 13.5 minutes after sunset {@link
* #getTzaisGeonim3Point7Degrees() <em>tzais</em> 3.7&deg;}. <em>Mincha gedola</em> is the earliest time to pray <em>mincha</em>.
* The later of this time or 30 clock minutes after <em>chatzos</em> is returned. See {@link #getMinchaGedolaGreaterThan30()}
* (though that calculation is based on <em>mincha gedola</em> GRA).
* For more information about <em>mincha gedola</em> see the documentation on {@link #getMinchaGedola() <em>mincha gedola</em>}.
* @return the <code>Date</code> of the <em>mincha gedola</em>. If the calculation can't be computed such as northern and
* southern locations even south of the Arctic Circle and north of the Antarctic Circle where the sun may not
* reach low enough below the horizon for this calculation, a null will be returned. See detailed explanation
* on top of the {@link AstronomicalCalendar} documentation.
* @see #getAlos16Point1Degrees()
* @see #getTzaisGeonim3Point7Degrees()
* @see #getShaahZmanisAlos16Point1ToTzais3Point7()
* @see #getMinchaGedolaGreaterThan30()
public Date getMinchaGedolaAhavatShalom() {

if (getMinchaGedola30Minutes() == null || getMinchaGedola() == null) {
return null;
} else {
return getMinchaGedola30Minutes().compareTo(getTimeOffset(getChatzos(), getShaahZmanisAlos16Point1ToTzais3Point7() / 2)) > 0 ?
getMinchaGedola30Minutes() : getTimeOffset(getChatzos(), getShaahZmanisAlos16Point1ToTzais3Point7() / 2);

* This is a convenience method that returns the later of {@link #getMinchaGedola()} and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1806,6 +1881,29 @@ public Date getMinchaGedolaGreaterThan30() {
public Date getMinchaKetana16Point1Degrees() {
return getMinchaKetana(getAlos16Point1Degrees(), getTzais16Point1Degrees());

* This method returns the time of <em>mincha ketana</em> based on the opinion of <a href=
* "">Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Hillel</a> as published in the <em>luach</em>
* of the Bais Horaah of Yeshivat Chevrat Ahavat Shalom that <em>mincha ketana</em> is calculated as 2.5 <em>shaos
* zmaniyos</em> before {@link #getTzaisGeonim3Point8Degrees() <em>tzais</em> 3.8&deg;} with <em>shaos zmaniyos</em>
* calculated based on a day starting at {@link #getAlos16Point1Degrees() <em>alos</em> 16.1&deg;} and ending at
* <em>tzais</em> 3.8&deg;. <em>Mincha ketana</em> is the preferred earliest time to pray <em>mincha</em> according to
* the opinion of the <a href="">Rambam</a> and others. For more information
* on this see the documentation on {@link #getMinchaKetana() <em>mincha ketana</em>}.
* @return the the <code>Date</code> of the time of <em>mincha ketana</em>. If the calculation can't be computed such as northern
* and southern locations even south of the Arctic Circle and north of the Antarctic Circle where the sun may not
* reach low enough below the horizon for this calculation, a null will be returned. See detailed explanation
* on top of the {@link AstronomicalCalendar} documentation.
* @see #getShaahZmanisAlos16Point1ToTzais3Point8()
* @see #getMinchaGedolaAhavatShalom()
* @see #getPlagAhavatShalom()
public Date getMinchaKetanaAhavatShalom() {
return getTimeOffset(getTzaisGeonim3Point8Degrees(), -getShaahZmanisAlos16Point1ToTzais3Point8() * 2.5);

* This method returns the time of <em>mincha ketana</em> according to the Magen Avraham with the day
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2118,6 +2216,27 @@ public Date getPlagAlosToSunset() {
public Date getPlagAlos16Point1ToTzaisGeonim7Point083Degrees() {
return getPlagHamincha(getAlos16Point1Degrees(), getTzaisGeonim7Point083Degrees());

* This method returns the time of <em>plag hamincha</em> (the earliest time that Shabbos can be started) based on the
* opinion of <a href="">Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Hillel</a> as published in
* the <em>luach</em> of the Bais Horaah of Yeshivat Chevrat Ahavat Shalom that that <em>plag hamincha</em> is calculated
* as 1.25 <em>shaos zmaniyos</em> before {@link #getTzaisGeonim3Point8Degrees() <em>tzais</em> 3.8&deg;} with <em>shaos
* zmaniyos</em> calculated based on a day starting at {@link #getAlos16Point1Degrees() <em>alos</em> 16.1&deg;} and
* ending at <em>tzais</em> 3.8&deg;.
* @return the <code>Date</code> of the <em>plag</em>. If the calculation can't be computed such as northern and
* southern locations even south of the Arctic Circle and north of the Antarctic Circle where the sun may not
* reach low enough below the horizon for this calculation, a null will be returned. See detailed explanation
* on top of the {@link AstronomicalCalendar} documentation.
* @see #getShaahZmanisAlos16Point1ToTzais3Point8()
* @see #getMinchaGedolaAhavatShalom()
* @see #getMinchaKetanaAhavatShalom()
public Date getPlagAhavatShalom() {
return getTimeOffset(getTzaisGeonim3Point8Degrees(), -getShaahZmanisAlos16Point1ToTzais3Point8() * 1.25);

* Method to return the beginning of <em>bain hashmashos</em> of Rabbeinu Tam calculated when the sun is
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2848,7 +2967,7 @@ private Date getZmanisBasedOffset(double hours) {
return null;

if(hours > 0) {
if (hours > 0) {
return getTimeOffset(getElevationAdjustedSunset(), (long) (shaahZmanis * hours));
} else {
return getTimeOffset(getElevationAdjustedSunrise(), (long) (shaahZmanis * hours));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3153,7 +3272,7 @@ public Date getSofZmanKidushLevanaBetweenMoldos(Date alos, Date tzais) {
// Polynesia on Dec 2027 when kiddush Levana 3 days can be said on <em>Rosh Chodesh</em>, the sof zman Kiddush Levana
// will be on the 12th of the Teves. In the case of Anadyr, Russia on Jan, 2071, sof zman Kiddush Levana between the
// moldos will occur is on the night of 17th of Shevat. See Rabbi Dovid Heber's Shaarei Zmanim chapter 4 (pages 28 and 32).
if(jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() < 11 || jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() > 16) {
if (jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() < 11 || jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() > 16) {
return null;
return getMoladBasedTime(jewishCalendar.getSofZmanKidushLevanaBetweenMoldos(), alos, tzais, false);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3181,9 +3300,9 @@ public Date getSofZmanKidushLevanaBetweenMoldos(Date alos, Date tzais) {
private Date getMoladBasedTime(Date moladBasedTime, Date alos, Date tzais, boolean techila) {
Date lastMidnight = getMidnightLastNight();
Date midnightTonigh = getMidnightTonight();
if(!(moladBasedTime.before(lastMidnight) || moladBasedTime.after(midnightTonigh))){
if(alos != null || tzais != null) {
if(techila && !(moladBasedTime.before(tzais) || moladBasedTime.after(alos))){
if (!(moladBasedTime.before(lastMidnight) || moladBasedTime.after(midnightTonigh))){
if (alos != null || tzais != null) {
if (techila && !(moladBasedTime.before(tzais) || moladBasedTime.after(alos))){
return tzais;
} else {
return alos;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3247,7 +3366,7 @@ public Date getSofZmanKidushLevana15Days(Date alos, Date tzais) {
// French Polynesia on Dec 2027 when kiddush Levana 3 days can be said on <em>Rosh Chodesh</em>, the sof zman Kiddush
// Levana will be on the 12th of the Teves. in the case of Anadyr, Russia on Jan, 2071, sof zman kiddush levana will
// occur after midnight on the 17th of Shevat. See Rabbi Dovid Heber's Shaarei Zmanim chapter 4 (pages 28 and 32).
if(jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() < 11 || jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() > 17) {
if (jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() < 11 || jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() > 17) {
return null;
return getMoladBasedTime(jewishCalendar.getSofZmanKidushLevana15Days(), alos, tzais, false);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3323,15 +3442,15 @@ public Date getTchilasZmanKidushLevana3Days(Date alos, Date tzais) {
// of the 30th, the second night of Rosh Chodesh. The 3rd day after the <em>molad</em> will be on the 4th of the month.
// In the case of Anadyr, Russia on Jan, 2071, when sof zman kiddush levana is on the 17th of the month, the 3rd day
// from the molad will be on the 5th day of Shevat. See Rabbi Dovid Heber's Shaarei Zmanim chapter 4 (pages 28 and 32).
if(jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() > 5 && jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() < 30) {
if (jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() > 5 && jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() < 30) {
return null;

Date zman = getMoladBasedTime(jewishCalendar.getTchilasZmanKidushLevana3Days(), alos, tzais, true);

//Get the following month's zman kiddush Levana for the extreme case of Rapa Iti in French Polynesia on Dec 2027 when
// kiddush Levana can be said on Rosh Chodesh (the evening of the 30th). See Rabbi Dovid Heber's Shaarei Zmanim chapter 4 (page 32)
if(zman == null && jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() == 30) {
if (zman == null && jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() == 30) {
jewishCalendar.forward(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
zman = getMoladBasedTime(jewishCalendar.getTchilasZmanKidushLevana3Days(), null, null, true);
Expand All @@ -3358,13 +3477,13 @@ public Date getZmanMolad() {
// Optimize to not calculate for impossible dates, but account for extreme cases. The molad in the extreme case of Rapa
// Iti in French Polynesia on Dec 2027 occurs on the night of the 27th of Kislev. In the case of Anadyr, Russia on
// Jan 2071, the molad will be on the 2nd day of Shevat. See Rabbi Dovid Heber's Shaarei Zmanim chapter 4 (pages 28 and 32).
if(jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() > 2 && jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() < 27) {
if (jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() > 2 && jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() < 27) {
return null;
Date molad = getMoladBasedTime(jewishCalendar.getMoladAsDate(), null, null, true);

// deal with molad that happens on the end of the previous month
if(molad == null && jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() > 26) {
if (molad == null && jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() > 26) {
jewishCalendar.forward(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
molad = getMoladBasedTime(jewishCalendar.getMoladAsDate(), null, null, true);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3432,7 +3551,7 @@ public Date getTchilasZmanKidushLevana7Days(Date alos, Date tzais) {
// of the 30th, the second night of Rosh Chodesh), the 7th day after the molad will be on the 4th of the month.
// In the case of Anadyr, Russia on Jan, 2071, when sof zman kiddush levana is on the 17th of the month, the 7th day
// from the molad will be on the 9th day of Shevat. See Rabbi Dovid Heber's Shaarei Zmanim chapter 4 (pages 28 and 32).
if(jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() < 4 || jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() > 9) {
if (jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() < 4 || jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() > 9) {
return null;

Expand Down

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