What’s up, I’m Koustav. I’m a researcher living in Kolkata.
I am a Machine Learning Enthusiastic and a Python Developer.
I am a fan of Linux
and Open Source Softwares
.Working on Machine Learning from the last 3 years.
🔭 I’m currently working on Interpreter Design
🌱 I’m currently learning Deep Learning, Rest API
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://github.com/Koustav-Dey?tab=repositories
💬 Ask me about Anything, I am happy to help
📫 How to reach me koustav1998dey@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences https://www.linkedin.com/in/koustav-dey-076a75171/
⚡ Fun fact I have no Life
const Koustav = {
fullname: "Koustav Dey",
mail: "koustav1998dey@gmail.com",
languages: [ Python, C, C++, JavaScript, HTML, CSS ],
neuralnetwork: [ Tensorflow, Keras],
web: [ Flask, Bootstrap, jQuery, REST API, Wordpress ],
os: [ Debian, macOS, Redhat ],
cloud: [ Docker, AWS, DigitalOcean, Heroku ],
topic: [ "Machine Learning", "Cyber Security" ],
techCommunities: [
"Project Community" ]
I'm an Enthusiastic Developer who loves to contribute to the Opensource Community. I am Always trying to grow and learn somthhing new. I lose track of time when i am playing video games, studing new languages.