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Theory of node based shape optimization

danielandresarcones edited this page Apr 14, 2022 · 2 revisions

General solution scheme

ShapeOptimizationApplication solves a discretized optimization problem through node-based shape optimization. Any given discretized optimization problem can be stated as:


with F the objective function, and G as inequality and H equality sets of constraints. They are functions of the vector s of design variables and the vector u of ndof discrete state variables. The state variables u are a solution of a set S of state equations that are calculated previously. This equation can be expressed in Lagrangian form:


The objective of the optimization process is often the calculation of the derivative of the Lagrangian, as f5 to update the design variables. In a general way, this can be calculated as:


In an optimum, the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions are fulfilled:


where λ, μ and u* are vectors of Lagrange multipliers for the function L. This optimization problem is solved using steepest gradient descent method. To this end, the gradient dF/ds must be calculated, generally through sensitivity analysis methods. Once dF/ds is obtained, it is used for updating the values of s with the scheme


where αs is a line search factor,Δt is the timestep size and d is the negative gradient dF/ds. This process is solved iteratively until reaching a minimum. Being a numerical approach, the KKT conditions are never fully fulfilled, and the objective is to approach the minimum up to a reasonable accuracy degree.

Therefore, the general shape optimization loop would be:

  1. Solve primal problem.
  2. Calculate response values for F and their gradient using sensitivity analysis.
  3. Update design values.
  4. Check convergence.

In node-based shape optimization, the nodes of the geometry discretization are directly related with the shape design variables. The differences in the methods lie in the discretization and sensitivity analysis approaches.


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