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Player Commands

/realms HELP [page] {WORD}

/realms BUILDINGLIST [page] {WORD} , Show a list of BuildPlans for the BuildManager.Not all Plans may available !

/realms BUILDING {BUILDINGTYPE} , Show construction details of BuildingType. If no BuildingType a List of Buildings shown

/realms BOOKLIST {page} , list the books in sektion 0. The section 0 nbooks are not linked to an settlement . For settlement books use the book list of a bibliothek building

/realms HELP [page] {WORD}

/realms PRICELIST {page}, show the pricelist , All items are listed in the central pricelist. The list has many pages.

/realms MAP [page] , Init the dynmap label for Realms , Settlements, Lehen

/realms PRODUCTION {BUILDINGTYPE} , Show production details of BuildingType. If no BuildingType a List of Buildings shown

/realms RECIPES [group {page} , Show the list of recipes for WORKSHOP

  • 1 = tools
  • 2 = weapons
  • 3 = armors
  • 4 = materials
  • 5 = builds
  • 6 = ores
  • 7 = valuables
  • 8 = raws
  • 9 = foods

/realms SETTLEMENT {SettlementType} , Show construction details of SettleType. If no SettleType a List is shown

/realms Sign [line] "Text" , set a Text to SIGN you look at.

  • lines form 0-3
  • the <_> is replaced with a blank

/realms TECH {page} , List the TechLevel list or data .

  • None = List of Techlevels
  • 0 = Tech 0 description : upto 7 = Tech 7 description

/realms VERSION , Show the plugin and model Version

/settle ADD [SettleID] [RegionID] , Add a region to a Settlement. You must NOT be the Owner of the region ! You must be the Owner of the Settlement ! The region must exist

/settle MEMBER [ID] [playername] , Set the playername as member to every building. Expect the HOME and HOUSE

/settle ASSUME [settleID] , Assume the HAMLET from the NPC Owner. You must have reputation and money. You will be owner of all buildings without. except HOME, HOUSE, MANSION

/settle BANK [SettleID] [amount] ,Set the amount of money into the bank of Settlement

  • If amount (+) deposit to bank
  • If amount (-) withdraw from bank

/settle BIOME [ID] [page] , Show list of Biome Material Factors. Only the modified Materials are listed

/settle BUILD [ID] [BUILDING_TYPE] , Create a new Building {BUILDING_TYPE} at your current position the ID is the Settlement Id (0 = no settlement). The command create the HeroStronghold region and a building for realms. You must place the fullfil the requirements. You must pay the building cost

/settle BUILDING [buildungId] {false} , Show info of building Id and set Enable to false

/settle BUILDINGLIST [page] , List Buildings Overview of the settlelment

/settle BUY [ID] [item] [amount] [prive] [days] , Set an buy ordr for te amount of item to the trader of Settlement , the decline after day(s)

/settle CHECK [SuperRegionName] [page] , Check to create a Settlement from the supereregion and show the analysis report

/settle FOUNDING [settleType] [Name] , Create a Settlement from with . You must has the TechLevel for the settleType. You MUST stay at the center of new Settlement! show a status report

/settle CREDIT [SettleID] [item] [amount] , Set the price of item into Bank. If Settlement the item must be a valuable _EMERALD|GOLD_NUGGET|GOLD_INGOT|DIAMOND the amount must be in your inventory

/settle DELETE [SettleID] [Name] , Delete the Settlement with ID and Name. You must be an OP/Admin. The building NOT destroyed and the settler are die! The sell- and transportorder deleted ! This is a instant and final destroy !

/settle DESTROY [SettleID] [BuildingID] , Destroy a building and region of HeroStronghold. You must be the Owner of the Building ! This is a instant and final destroy !

/settle EVOLVE [ID] [NewSettleType] , Make the settlement evolve to the new SettleType. The requirements of the new settletype are checked. also the required money are taken from the bank the position are not changed, the radius are expanded

/setlle GETITEM [SettleID] [item] [amount] , Get the amount of item from the warehouse of the Settlement. Put the item in your inventory

/settle HELP [page] {WORD}

/settle INFO [SettleID] [BuildingId] , You aquire the building from settlement. All resources and cost and incoming is to you. You need reputation in the settlent for aquiring

/settle JOIN [settleId] [kingdomId] [tributId] , Send request for join to kingdom to the king this is a loyalty oath. The settlement going to the kingdom and accept pay tribut to the Lehen of [tributId]. If tributId = 0 then tribut go direct to the king

/settle LIST [page] , List all Settlements

/settle MARKET [page] , Show the trademarket orders of all settlement

/settle NOSELL [SettleID] [page] {ITEM_NAME} , List of required Items for the settlement give ITEMNAME for required item by you . set required amount to 128

/settle OWNER [ID] [ownerId] , Set the owner to the settlement. Set the playername as owner to every building expect the HOME, HOUSE, MANSION

/settle PRODUCTION [page] , List Production Overview of the settlelment

/setlle REPUTATION [SettleID] , Get the amount of item from the warehouse of the Settlement. Put the item in your inventory

/settle REQUIRE [SettleID] [page] , List of required Items for the settlement

/settle ROUTE [senderId] [TargetID] [item] [amount] , Transport the amount of item to the target settlement. You must be the owner of both settlement. Otherwise you must define a contract

/settle ROUTES [settleID] {page} , List of Route Order in settlement

/settle SELL [ID] [item] [amount] [price] [days] , Set an buy order for te amount of item to the trader of Settlement , the decline after day(s)

/settle SETITEM [SettleID] [item] [amount] , Set the amount of item into the warehouse of the Settlement. The amount must available in your inventory !

/settle SETTLER [page] , List Settler Overview of the settlement only the NPC

/settle TRADER [SettleID] [page] , Show Infomation about the trade orders of the settlement

/settle TRAIN [SettleID] [BuildingId] [amount] , Start training of units for the building. Train up to amount number of units

/settle WAREHOUSE [SettleID] [page] , List all Items in the Warehouse

/settle WORKSHOP [slot] [item] , Set the item in production slot (0..4) . You must stay in a WORKSHOP building area . The Production is based on internal Production List. Use /realms RECIPES

/colonist HELP [page] {WORD}

Hint : The colonist commands are only useful if you are the owner of colonist !

/colonist BUILD [colonyID] [clean true/false] , Startup Building of Hamlet.

  • clean true clean up build area with R=21
  • clean false no clean start with colony house

/colonist LIST [page] List all Colonists

/colinst WAREHOUSE [ID] [page] , List all Items in the Warehouse

/colonist MOVE [ID] [X] [Y] [Z] , Move a Colonist with to the position. positioning a sign at the position You cannot change the World !!!

/owner HELP [page] {WORD}

/owner INFO {page} {ID} , Show the Owner Data in detail you can only see your own data. For others only the common data shown

/owner LIST [page] , List the registered Owners

Hint : The regiment commands are only useful if you are the owner of regiment !

/regiment HELP [page] {WORD}

/regiment CREATE [Name] [X] [Y] [Z] , Create a Regiment with . The regiment is a Raider. The position is 0 0 0 , and the regiment is hidden . Move it to the rigth position

/regiment HOME [ID] , Move a Regiment with to the home position this is the positioning given during creating the regiment, the position is hidden stored

/regiment LIST [page] , List all regiments

/regiment MOVE [ID] [settleID] [Face] , Move a Regiment with to the settlement position.

  • the regiment positioned at

/regiment WAREHOUSE [RegD] [page] , List all Items in the Warehouse

/regiment RAID [RegID] , Start a Raid of the Settlement nearby. Fight with the Guards and steal some Items from the Warehouse. After the raid the regiment go away and search for a new target

/regiment INFO [RegD] [page] , Show information of the regiment. Only the owner or op can use the command

/feudal HELP [page] {WORD}

/feudal BANK [lehenID] [amount] , Set the amount of money into the bank of the Lehen. If amount (+) deposit to bank. If amount (-) withdraw from bank

/feudal FOLLOW [yourId] [lordId] {playerName} , The owner change is loyalty to another lord. This can only be done in the same kingdom. all your liege follow you. only Admins can do this for others.

/feudal INFO [lehenId] [page] , List Lehen data and the vasale references

/feudal LIST [page] , List the registered Lehen only Admins can create Lehen or the owner of a kingdom

/feudal CREATE [Level] [lehenName] [playerName] [parentId] ,create a Lehen of Level (1-4). The Lehen get the kingdom of the creator

  • Player can only create in Kingdom 0
  • The King can create in his own kingdom

/feudal OWNER [lehenId] [ownerId] , Set owner for lehen. The Lehen get the kingdom of the creator. Only the Owner and the King can set the owner

/kingdom LIST [page] , List the registered Kingdoms . Only **Admins ** can create Kingdoms

/kingdom GIVE [kingdomId] [lehenId] [ownerName] , The king give a lehen to his liege. The king give land for loyalty. both are bound to the loyalty. Be warned. When you break the loyalty a NPC King give you the consequence! You cannot discuss with them !

/kingdom Info [kingdomId] [page] , Show the data of the Kingdom. There are multiple pages !

/kingdom JOIN [kingdomId] {ownerId} , Send request for join to kingdom to the king this is a loyalty oath. All your Lehen and Settlement going to the kingdom. The king must accet your request and loyalty oath

/kingdom MEMBER [kingdomId] [page] , Show the list of member of the Kingdom. There are multiple pages !

/kingdom OWNER [kingdomId] [playerName] , The king set to the playername. The player set also as owner of the king lehen

/kingdom REQUEST [kingdomId] [page] {requestId} {ACCEPT/REJECT} ,

  • Only kingdomId given : Show request list with [page]
  • you can show a long list with {requestId} the status will set
  • use the correct wording for accept/reject

/kingdom RELEASE {playerName} , You release the kingdom and go to Kingdom 0 . Now you are an enemy to the prior Kingdom

/kingdom STRUCTURE [kingdomId] [page] , Show the data of the Kingdom . There are multiple pages !

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