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Krglok edited this page Jul 2, 2015 · 6 revisions

Phase 2 (finished)

The Settlements and the building millitärischen produce and collect power (Power). This power is needed to herzustellen.Im Settlement Units millitärische buildings can be built. These buildings produce soldiers (units) may take on different tasks. Defense of the settlement, it goes automatically when an attack occurs

Note: If the power of a settlement goes to 0, then the Settlement is conquered! The old owner is deleted and the conqueror can make to the Owner. This is one of the few occasions the owner of an existing settlements to be. The defense refers not only to attack e by other players, even NPC Settlements looters and gangs (RAIDER) pass through the land and rob unprotected settlements. They steal the goods and in particular the valuable goods from the warehouse. These are lost and can not be recovered! The player himself can not do something themselves against these marauders. He must own military units in its settlement building to defend themselves.

The Raider follow their own Lifcycle and travel to a fixed scheme around. The Rich (Kingdom) have been activated and are connected to the fief. The players themselves can not start a hatch. This makes the admin. The NPC will inividualisiert and get your own Lifcycle. This function depends on the plugin Citizens There were fiefs introduced and the basic functions of the Kingdom administration. There were eigeführt NPC units that represent the military units n. This function has become necessary to give the Raiders a visual representation. At the same time lead dieUnits a military Lifcycle in the settlements.

####Extended phase 2 (in progress) Phase 2 has been extended to Player Interaction and gameplay aspects. The player can indirectly influence the settlements.

Donation so that he will donate items and blocks and gets REPUTATION Buy / Sell, so he buys and verkaut items and blocks and gets REPUTATION

The REPUTATION is stored and analyzed separately in each settlement. Later, a Kingdom will evaluate the reputation of the player in its settlements. With the reputation of the players can have a direct influence on the settlement

Buy an apartment building, he is then derSiedlung inhabitants. Takeover of the settlement, it is then the OWNER of the settlement.

A mechanism for the further development of the player installed, which is directly connected with the functions of the settlements. This ACHIEVEMENTS be earn by the player and then to build better and better building. On the techlevel the achivements and the building rights (permission) are coupled. The permission are managed automatically by the plugin and need not be forgiven. The achivements are defined in a technology tree and divided into different level. In parallel, there is a production tree illustrating and defining dependencies of each building. Thus, a further development of the NPC settlements are executed. This means the NPC are smarter and expand their settlements themselves and expand. This is a preparation for Phase 3 and provide guidance for the player.

The player can create a regiment and fill with soldiers. Then command the regiments into position (move / Camp) and attack a settlement for raid.

The regiments are built in a fief. The warfare is thus shifted to the nobility (NOBLE). The number of regiments from the nobility (NOBLE LEVEL) dependent. For this purpose, it is necessary to build within the fief soldiers (units). The administration and the functions of the fief, thus considerably extended.

The NPC fief get his own noble NPC with its own lifecycle. A feud can recruit NPC and use for their own management or trained as soldiers. A feud has to pay his NPC and supply. So it is not a slave, but a desirable job. The supply of the feud is fetched from the tributary or own settlements of the noble. For example, are the NPC needed.

Likewise, for the supply of the regiments when they are outside of the feud.

A fief must be able to build their own military buildings to form and be able to accommodate the soldiers. For this purpose, a builder (BUILDER) is required in a settlement

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