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This is a simple Swift library that allows you to easily create nRF Connect BLE macros 1 for your iOS/iPadOS/macOS/watchOS/visionOS/tvOS app. It is a wrapper around Core Bluetooth that allows you to create macros for BLE devices. It is designed to easily develop Nature Remo compatible BLE macros2.


Add the following to your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "", from: "<version>")


Product Description
BLEMacroEasy Defines the easy interface to execute BLE macros.
BLEMacro Defines the BLE macro XML parser.
BLEMacroCompiler Defines the BLE macro compiler that compile BLE macro XML to BLE macro IR.
BLECommand Defines the BLE macro IR.
BLEInterpreter Defines the BLE macro interpreter that interprets BLE macro IR.
BLEInternal Defines the utilities for BLE macros.
BLEModel Defines the convenient state machines for BLE.

Supported Macros

Currently, only the following BLE macro XML elements are supported:

  • <macro>
  • <assert-service>
  • <assert-characteristic>
  • <assert-descriptor>
  • <assert-cccd>
  • <property>
  • <read>
  • <assert-value>
  • <sleep>
  • <write>
  • <write-descriptor>
  • <wait-for-notification>


Run BLE Macros Programmatically

Easy Way

If you want to simply run BLE macros, you can use the easy way to run BLE macros.

import Foundation
import BLEMacroEasy

// You can find your iPhone's UUID by running the following command in Terminal:
// $ git clone
// $ cd swift-ble-macro-cli
// $ swift run ble discover
let myIPhoneUUID = UUID(uuidString: "********-****-****-****-************")!
let myMacro = try String(contentsOf: URL(string: "")!)

try await run(macroXMLString: myMacro, on: myIPhoneUUID) { data in
    // This handler is called when every value read from the peripheral.
    let batteryLevel = Int(data[0])

Advanced Way

You can also use the advanced way to run BLE macros. It is useful when you want to customize the behavior of the BLE macros.

import Foundation
import os
import BLEMacro
import BLEMacroCompiler
import BLEInterpreter
import BLEInternal
import CoreBluetoothTestable

// You can find your iPhone's UUID by running the following command in Terminal:
// $ git clone
// $ cd swift-ble-macro-cli
// $ swift run ble discover
let myIPhoneUUID = UUID(uuidString: "********-****-****-****-************")!
let myMacro = try String(contentsOf: URL(string: "")!)

let logger = Logger(severity: .debug, writer: OSLogWriter(OSLog(subsystem: "com.example", category: "BLE")))

let macro = try MacroXMLParser.parse(xml: macroXML).get()
let commands = try Compiler(loggingBy: logger).compile(macro: macro).get()
let central = CentralManager(loggingBy: logger)
let centralManagerTasks = CentralManagerTasks(loggingBy: logger, centralManager: central)
let peripheral = try await centralManagerTasks.connect(uuid: peripheralUUID).get()
defer { central.cancelPeripheralConnection(peripheral) }

let interpreter = Interpreter(onPeripheral: peripheral, loggingBy: logger, readHandler) { data in
    // This handler is called when every value read from the peripheral.
    let batteryLevel = Int(data[0])
try await interpreter.interpret(commands: commands).get()


MIT License



  2. (Japanese)