A set of tools for calculating power system impedances, faults, pole spans, pole line stress and strain, and voltage drops.
I had uploaded an older version some time ago, then I had overhauled the program extensiviely during my time working for an electric cooperative. I thought the code had been lost but I happened to find a backup USB drive with an nearly finished version. I have added some slight modifications to the code for compatablility over the last few months with Python 3.9 and am now at a point I I am ready to upload and begin reqorking the examples.
I do also have some utilities that I had created to pull data from a Milsoft Windmil database that I may upload in the coming months. I can no longer test the milsoft code but it will be made available.
It is my goal that this will aid some smaller cooperatives and municipalities in performing routine calculations.
- There is an overview document titled Pole Calculator Basic which explains file structure
- The poleLaunch function will begin the program and if the data is correct will create top view stress, strain, and guying diagrams for each study pole, a csv file will also be created containing raw data
- test1 and test2 scripts and folders show basic examples of the calculator
- The spanLaunch function will create a csv file that contains span information
- There curently isnt documentation on the fault calculation and time coordination curve functions, I am planning on writting these up
- The time curve coordination will display a graph and optional reference points
- testtcc script and foldes show a basic example of the time coordination curve
- Note that the ocdevdb contains the curve list database in the tcctest folder
- It also shows example calls to calculate some impedances and fault currents
- The voltage drop function has an example script called vDrop
- The impedance calculator based on csv conductor files was never completed fully and requires further development
- Add additional documentation
- Add equipment at voltage levels other then 7.2kV
- Complete the impedance calulation functions