Reference Resource: github clean-architecture
Domain and Repository in Entities
- Directories like domain and repository may contain components related to the core Entities in Clean Architecture.
- In this case, domain might hold the core objects and business logic of the application, while repository could contain classes or components related to data access.
Usecase or Interactions in Usecase
- The useCase directory may contain the use cases (or interactions)
- in Clean Architecture, which are components that contain the business logic of the application.
API, Infrastructor and internal in Interface Adapter
Directories such as api, infrastructor, and internal may contain components related to interfaces and infrastructure.
In Clean Architecture, these components are often called Interface Adapters, responsible for converting data between internal and external components of the application.
may contain components related to handling HTTP requests from the client.
may contain components related to implementing infrastructure such as databases, peripheral services, etc.
may contain internal application components that are not meant to be accessed from outside, such as authentication mechanisms (in this case OAuth2) or special connections to third-party services (e.g., connecting to Google services).
Idea, asset and bootstrap
- Directories like .idea, assets, and bootstrap may contain components related to frameworks, tools, and resources such as images, fonts, CSS files, JavaScript files, etc.
- These components are typically not part of Clean Architecture but are still important for implementing the application.
│ └───inspectionProfiles
│ ├───controller
│ │ ├───activity
│ │ ├───admin
│ │ ├───course
│ │ ├───exam
│ │ ├───exam_answer
│ │ ├───exam_options
│ │ ├───exam_question
│ │ ├───exam_result
│ │ ├───exercise
│ │ ├───exercise_answer
│ │ ├───exercise_options
│ │ ├───exercise_quesiton
│ │ ├───exercise_result
│ │ ├───feedback
│ │ ├───image
│ │ ├───lesson
│ │ ├───mark_list
│ │ ├───mark_vocabulary
│ │ ├───quiz
│ │ ├───quiz_answer
│ │ ├───quiz_options
│ │ ├───quiz_question
│ │ ├───quiz_result
│ │ ├───unit
│ │ ├───user
│ │ ├───user_attempt
│ │ └───vocabulary
│ ├───middleware
│ └───router
│ ├───activity_log
│ ├───admin
│ ├───course
│ ├───exam
│ ├───exam_answer
│ ├───exam_options
│ ├───exam_question
│ ├───exam_result
│ ├───exercise
│ ├───exercise_answer
│ ├───exercise_options
│ ├───exercise_question
│ ├───exercise_result
│ ├───feedback
│ ├───image
│ ├───lesson
│ ├───mark_list
│ ├───mark_vocabulary
│ ├───quiz
│ ├───quiz_answer
│ ├───quiz_options
│ ├───quiz_question
│ ├───quiz_result
│ ├───unit
│ ├───user
│ ├───user_attempt
│ └───vocabulary
│ └───images
│ ├───activity_log
│ ├───admin
│ ├───box
│ ├───config_system
│ ├───course
│ ├───exam
│ ├───exam_answer
│ ├───exam_options
│ ├───exam_question
│ ├───exam_result
│ ├───exercise
│ ├───exercise_answer
│ ├───exercise_options
│ ├───exercise_questions
│ ├───exercise_result
│ ├───feedback
│ ├───image
│ ├───lesson
│ ├───mark_list
│ ├───mark_vocabulary
│ ├───quiz
│ ├───quiz_answer
│ ├───quiz_options
│ ├───quiz_question
│ ├───quiz_result
│ ├───unit
│ ├───user
│ ├───user_attempt
│ ├───user_detail
│ └───vocabulary
│ ├───mongo
│ └───redis
│ ├───cloud
│ │ ├───cloudinary
│ │ ├───firebase
│ │ │ └───audio
│ │ └───google
│ │ ├───const
│ │ └───mail
│ ├───file
│ │ └───excel
│ └───oauth2
│ └───google
│ ├───activity
│ ├───admin
│ ├───course
│ ├───exam
│ ├───exam_answer
│ ├───exam_options
│ ├───exam_question
│ ├───exam_result
│ ├───exercise
│ ├───exercise_answer
│ ├───exercise_options
│ ├───exercise_question
│ ├───exercise_result
│ ├───feedback
│ ├───image
│ ├───lesson
│ ├───mark_list
│ ├───mark_vacabulary
│ ├───quiz
│ ├───quiz_answer
│ ├───quiz_options
│ ├───quiz_question
│ ├───quiz_result
│ ├───unit
│ ├───user
│ ├───user_attempt
│ ├───user_detail
│ └───vocabulary
How to run this project? We can run this Go Backend Clean Architecture project with or without Docker. Here, I am providing both ways to run this project.
cd your-workspace
- Move to your workspace
- git clone
- Create a file .env similar to .env.example at the root directory with your configuration.
- Install go if not installed on your machine.
- Install MongoDB if not installed on your machine.
- Important: Change the DB_HOST to localhost (DB_HOST=localhost) in .env configuration file. DB_HOST=mongodb is needed only when you run with Docker.
- Run go run cmd/main.go.
- Access API using http://localhost:8080
- Create a file .env similar to .env.example at the root directory with your configuration.
- Install Docker and Docker Compose.
- Run docker-compose up -d.
- Access API using http://localhost:8080
go test ./...
- In this project, to test, we need to generate mock code for the use-case, repository, and database.
mockery --dir=domain --output=domain/mocks --outpkg=mocks --all
mockery --dir=mongo --output=mongo/mocks --outpkg=mocks --all
- Whenever you make changes in the interfaces of these use-cases, repositories, or databases, you need to run the corresponding command to regenerate the mock code for testing.