a paging foreach binding for knockout
Instead of
data-bind="foreach: observableArray"
data-bind="pagedForeach: observableArray"
Somewhere also
data-bind="pageLinks: observableArray"
Example / Run Unit Tests: https://rawgithub.com/nathanrobinson/knockout.pager/master/tests.html
You can bind to an observableArray or a computed that returns an array.
Available bindings:
pagedForeach: displays a single page of items using an inline template (just like foreach).
pageLinks: displays the paging links inside the current block (first page, page numbers, and last page).
pageSizeControl: displays a select list with common page sizes (10, 25, 50, 100).
pageSize: (in combination with any of the previous bindings) sets/updates the number of items per page.
The first three bindings should be bound to the same observableArray, computed, or function which returns an array. The function should have the signature: function (itemsPerPage, page){} which returns an array of items for the current page. If your server method is asyncronous, you can bind pageLinks and pageSizeControl to serverMethod and use a normal foreach bound to an observable array and update the observable array using the server method (see examples in tests.html and tests.js.
To Do:
- Add change page callback to support server-side paging.