This layer depends on:
poky URI: git:// branch: morty revision: HEAD
For the following instructions we assume you are on a Linux Ubuntu or Debian distribution compatible with Yocto Morty. However, most of the instructions should also be valid for other Linux systems.
Install required packages for Yocto:
sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-dev xterm
Download the required sources to some folder in your home directory. For these instructions, we use the folder ~/yocto:
mkdir ~/yocto && cd ~/yocto
git clone -b morty git://
git clone -b morty
Download and untar linaro gnueabihf toolchain which will be used for compiling u-boot: (Note: this toolchain is for 64-bits host machines, if your PC is not 64 bits you need to compile a 32 bits linaro toolchain.)
mkdir ~/linaro-gnueabihf && cd ~/linaro-gnueabihf
tar xvf gcc-linaro-5.5.0-2017.10-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz --strip 1
To initialize the build environment of Yocto, execute:
cd ~/yocto/poky
. oe-init-build-env
The script oe-init-build-env creates an initial build folder at ~/yocto/poky/build and corresponding build configuration files at ~/yocto/poky/build/conf.
The file ~/yocto/poky/build/conf/bblayers.conf defines the location of Yocto meta layers. Edit this file and add the absolute paths to the layers needed by meta-pine64 to the variable BBLAYERS. For example, for a user "ME" the absolute paths to these meta layers would be:
/home/ME/yocto/poky/meta \
/home/ME/yocto/poky/meta-poky \
/home/ME/yocto/meta-pine64 \
The variable MACHINE of local.conf defines the target hardware for which we will cross-compile. Make sure it is set to
MACHINE ?= "pine64"
Additionally, add the following line to your local.conf to opt for linaro toolchain:
# Substitute ME by your username or whatever path you unpacked linaro gnu eabihf
LINARO_EABIHF_PATH = "/home/ME/linaro-gnueabihf"
To initialize the build environment, execute:
cd ~/yocto/poky
. oe-init-build-env
Your configuration setup at ~/yocto/poky/build/conf will be preserved.
To create a minimal system, in your build folder ~/yocto/poky/build execute the following command. This image only has a login interface in UART. You'll need a RS-232 to USB converter to see it. Login with the user "root" (no password).
bitbake core-image-minimal
To create a yocto sato image, in your build folder ~/yocto/poky/build execute the following command. Image with Sato, a mobile environment and visual style for mobile devices. It uses pine64 HDMI output and supports X11 with a Sato theme, Pimlico applications, and contains terminal, editor, and file manager.
bitbake core-image-sato
Under Linux, insert a USB flash drive. Assuming the USB flash drive takes device /dev/sdf, use dd to copy the live image to it. For example:
WARNING: dd can destroy your HDD data if not used with the proper device path.
cd ~/yocto/poky/build/tmp/deploy/images/pine64/
# for image minimal
sudo dd if=core-image-minimal-pine64.wic of=/dev/sdf
# for image sato
sudo dd if=core-image-sato-pine64.wic of=/dev/sdf
This README file was adapted from: * *