Sarvis is a simple, small api that helps organise and execute your HTTP requests with excellent Typescript support. build on top of the browser native fetch api.
To create a new instance of Sarvis:
const sarvis = new Sarvis();
It's possible to pass a base configuration to Sarvis:
const sarvis = new Sarvis({
// The url that will be used in every request.
base_url: "",
// (Optional) The port number that will be used for a request.
port: 3000,
// (Optional) Most api's have a base path, such as: /api, or /v1 etc.
base_path: "/api",
// (Optional) A string that will be set to the Authorazation header on every request, for example:
authorization: "Bearer a_token_here"
// You can access and update the configuration through sarvis.config:
const config: ISarvisConfig = sarvis.config;
// Let's update the authorization for example:
sarvis.config.authorization = "Bearer a_token_here";
Let's say we're fetching a TODO item that looks like this:
"id": 1,
"todo": "Clean Kitchen"
And we have an Interface declared for this dto:
interface TodoDto {
id: number;
todo: string;
Let's perform a GET request for that Todo:
const result = await sarvis.get<TodoDto>("");
Your result object is now of type TodoDto.
If you have added a config with base_url, you only need to add the part that comes after:
const result = await sarvis.get("/1");
For all other requests, add a body after the URL:
const postResult = await<TodoDto>("/1", body);
const putResult = await sarvis.put<TodoDto>("/1", body);
// The body for a DELETE request is optional.
const deleteResult = await<boolean>("/1", body);
You won't of course, always want to use the standard request configuration. It's possible to add a custom configuration to every request:
const customConfig: RequestInit = {
method: "POST",
const result = await sarvis.get("/1", customConfig);
Sometimes you want to execute an operation before, or after evey request.
Sarvis offers an easy way to do so:
// Executed before every request.
sarvis.useBefore = (url: string, config: RequestInit) => {
url = url + "/todos";
config.headers.append("Content-Type", "blob");
return { url, config };
// Executed after every request, if returnFullRequest is set to true, it will return the full Request object.
sarvis.useAfter = (result: any) => {
result["newValue"] = "Some Test value for demo purposes.";
return result;
By default, request results are converted to JSON and then given back to the user. Of course not all request have a return type of JSON, or perhaps you want to have a look at the complete response.
To turn off JSON conversion for all Requests, set:
sarvis.returnFullRequest = true;
Every request will now return the complete response.