This library is to communicate between Tiva C series(TM4C123GH6PM) board and TM1637 4 digit display using Keil uprocessor
The TM1637 has 4 pins (VCC, GND, CLK, DIO)
TM1637 | TM4C123GH6PM |
VCC | VBus |
CLK | PA3 |
DIO | PA2 |
The code is created based on above pins if you want to use different pins in port A goto Markup: PinConfig
Create a new project in uKeil and add header and cpp files in Source Group which is under Target folder
- TM1637Init - to initialize the port and pins
- setBrightness - to change brightness
- clear - to clear the display
- showNumberDec - display decimal number
- _delay_ms - to create delay (millisecs)
To use different pins in Port A please change the hex values of DEN and DIR to the respective values, these are located in TM1637.cpp --> TM1637Init method
GpioA->DATA (0x04) to specific pin hex value ---> Data (DIO)
GpioA->DATA (0x08) to specific pin hex value ---> Clock (CLK)
Hex values for different pins
Pin | Hex |
0 | 0x01 |
1 | 0x02 |
2 | 0x04 |
3 | 0x08 |
4 | 0x10 |
5 | 0x20 |
6 | 0x40 |
7 | 0x80 |
Some of the code was inspired by avishorp TM1637 for arduino code