Math-magicians is simple application being built in our third module of our curriculum at microverse.
- Responsive HTML page
- Set up a React app.
- Use React documentation.
- Stylelint (A mighty, modern linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions in your styles).
- ESlint (A mighty, modern linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions in JavaScript codes)
- Webpack (A JavaScript module bundler)
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
The basic requirements for building the executable are:
- A working browser application (Google chrome, Mozilla Fire fox, Microsoft edge ...)
- VSCode or any other equivalent code editor
- Node Package Manager (For installing packages like Lighthous, webhint & stylelint used for checking for debugging bad codes before deployment)
git clone <Your-Build-Directory>
npm install
npm run build
npm start
You can find all of the unit test for testing all components in the src/Test folder located in the parent source directory of the project. you can create your own custom unit test and test it by running
npm run test
npm install --save-dev eslint@7.x eslint-config-airbnb-base@14.x eslint-plugin-import@2.x babel-eslint@10.x
npx eslint .
npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start
All source code files are licensed under the permissive zlib license ( unless marked differently in a particular folder/file.