web front-end for mata
please download/ implement a link to
- jQuery (http://jquery.com/) -- requires jquery.mjs.nestedSortable.js to be downloaded and placed into the js folder
- vis.js (https://github.com/almende/vis) -- requires vis.js to be downloaded and placed into the js folder
- viewstl (https://www.viewstl.com/) -- requires viewst.php and related js files to be downloaded and placed into a viewstl folder. Alternatively one can link to the viewstl website but part of the resources are not loaded via https then.
- MCTV (doi:10.5258/SOTON/400332) -- already included, but the original can be found under that DOI as desired/ required You may also want to download and implement
- MCTV-tiler (https://github.com/LWollatz/MCTV-tiler)