This is a simple app that you can use to make your ToDo lists and also share them with others!! I developed this app using the CRUD framework which you can see by adding lists, selecting the lists, updating the lists and deleting the lists.
This app was made with various tools that I have previously never used before. These technologies include axios, mongoose, and nodemon. It took a lot of studying, but I was able to complete this project within a week! I found it super fascinating to learn how you can store your data and share it with others and even be able to change things on the client-side ..!
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, node.js, express, axios, mongoDB, mongoose, nodemon,
It was a very good practice of using nodemon, postman, MongoDB and Axios. I felt more comfortable using Node.js, express and Heroku as well. Connecting the client-side and server-side was confusing and hard to picture in my head how that actually works at first, but by creating this app I was able to gain a fundamental understanding of how they interact.