CS 160 project reposity for group 2
Jacob Barrick Colin Blower Hon-ming Chen Curtis Davis Victor Frandsen Sam Lanzo Andrew Miller Yu-Ching Wang
We are going to use a json format for our job listings. The data will contain the following data:
- title: string, the title of the job
- company: string, the name of the company the job posting is for
- city: string, the name of the city the job is in
- salary: int, the salary for the job, $USD/year
- requirements: string, the requirements for the job as a string
- link: string, the url of the job posting
"title": "Software Monkey",
"company": "International Banana Monkeys",
"city": "Drawbridge, California",
"salary": 65000,
"requirements": "Potty Training, 3 years experience",
"link": "http://www.petsorfood.com/wordpress/products-page/mammals/spider-monkey/",