Hi there, I'm Lars! 👋
I am an experienced java developer, originally from Germany and living in Estonia since 2013. I enjoy test-driven development, pair programming and improving legacy code.
I am working for Rush Street Interactive, helping development teams to do their jobs better.
I’am contributing to the java version of Approvaltests. Occassionally I also contribute to cyber-dojo, updating the java images to use the latest JDK and versions of JUnit5&Approvaltests.
Since I've become one of the co-organisers of Tartu Software Developer Guild, I've also done some public speaking outside of my work environment. I spoke about the new features of Java 11 when it released and in February 2020 about Approval testing.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning elm
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on code katas
- 📫 How to reach me: my website has all my info