Version 0.5.0
The new update is out! 🤩
- Completely redesign the revershell component
- New transfert methods component
- Fix the MSF Builder component
Installation Steps :
- Extract (you will obtain a folder named dist)
- In your chromium based web-browser upload the folder as an unpacked Extension check the repo
NEW Link to the Chrome extension :
Or install it as a temporary plugin in Firefox in the page about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox
by selecting the manifest inside dist
Instructions to build for Safari
Create a safari web extension project using the command below. This is to be run once.
xcrun safari-web-extension-coverter [path_to_dist_folder]
Follow the instructions to create the project the default language should be Swift.
- Build project.
- Open Safari and enable unsigned extensions; Develop → Allow Unsigned Extensions.
- Open Safari → Preferences → Extensions and enable Hack-Tools
- Click on the extension icon and switch to full screen mode.
Full Changelog: #133