This the backend repository for the project "BeppoFresh" by LasagneTUM for the HelloFresh Challenge at HackaTUM 2023
We use a MongoDB Server to store the data. There are different options how you can use one:
- Use MongoDB Atlas (managed service; we use it for the demo)
- Local installation
- With docker-compose
For the usage of docker-compose we provide a Dockerfile and docker-compose.yaml
- Build container
docker build . -t "beppo-fresh-backend"
- Run compose
docker compose up -d
Important! Set the appropriate connection string for your database connection in .env with the variable 'MONGODB_CONNECTION'
- Create venv
python3 -m venv venv
- Activate venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install pip tools
pip install pip-tools
- Generate requirements.txt
- Install requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run server
uvicorn app.main:fastapi_app --reload
Run python3 -m pytest tests
Run python3 -m mypy -p app