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AWS Lambda Functions With Fastify and TypeScript


For the detailed tutorial, you can also check here. You can also check how to migrate Express.js to Fastify here.

Create an AWS user in IAM

Before doing local development, you will need to create an AWS user in IAM with appropriate permission. You AWS user needs to have the following permissions:

  1. DynamoDB: PutItem, DeleteItem, GetItem, Scan, Query, UpdateItem
  2. S3: PutObject, GetObject, DeleteObject, ListBucket Permissions for DynamoDB and S3 are required for this project. If you want to use other AWS services, you will need to add more permissions.
  3. Serverless deployment permission which involves with various AWS services such as CloudFormation, Lambda and LogGroup

I'd suggest this user has admin permission, and restrict it only be used in your local environment.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "*",
      "Resource": "*"

Once you create it, download access key and replace this properties AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY with your real information in .env.example and modify file name to .env.

AWS DynamoDB and S3 bucket

Before you start, you need create an AWS S3 bucket. This bucket will be for your SPA website hosting, and storing your photos. Replace these properties AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME along with PHOTO_ALBUMS_TABLE_NAME, PHOTO_ALBUM_TAGS_TABLE_NAME, PHOTO_USER_PERMISSION_TABLE_NAME and DATA_AGGREGATIONS_TABLE_NAME with the table name you want to use in .env.example and modify file name to .env. When you run bun run serverless:deploy, it will use those environment variables to create S3 bucket and tables, so you don't have to create S3 bucket and tables manually. Once the S3 bucket and tables are created, you can check them in AWS console. You will also need to replace VITE_IMAGEKIT_CDN_URL with the CloudFront Domain name URL Serverless Framework created for you.


The server uses ElectroDB to operate documentations in DynamoDB. ElectroDB eases the use of having multiple entities and complex hierarchical relationships in a single DynamoDB table.

Get Google Places API key

You need to create a Google Places API key, so you can find a location information and attach it to your album object in DynamoDB. Please check here. Once you create it, replace this property GOOGLE_PLACES_API_KEY with your real information in .env.example and modify file name to .env.

Local development

Install the dependencies

$ bun install

Run Fastify locally

$ bun run start:server

Use serverless-http to wrap Fastify app

Assume you already have a Fastify app, you can use serverless-http to wrap it and deploy to AWS Lambda and Api Gateway. You can find my detailed tutorial here.

Firstly, install serverless-http

$ bun add serverless-http

Secondly, install serverless and serverless-plugin-typescript

$ bun add serverless serverless-plugin-typescript

Then, wrap your Fastify app with serverless-http

// app.ts
import Fastify, { FastifyInstance } from 'fastify';

export const app: FastifyInstance = Fastify();

app.get('/', (request: FastifyRequest, reply: FastifyReply) => {
  reply.send('Hello World!');

export const handler = serverless(app as any);

To get this application deployed, let's create a serverless.yml in our working directory. When we deploy to AWS locally, we also need to install serverless-dotenv-plugin. It will load environment variables from .env file to serverless.yml.

$ bun add serverless-dotenv-plugin

Your serverless.yaml should look like as below:

service: my-fastify-application
  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs20.x
  stage: dev
  region: ${env:AWS_REGION_NAME}

  - serverless-plugin-typescript #A Serverless Framework plugin to transpile TypeScript before deploying
  - serverless-dotenv-plugin #You will need this plugin to import all variables from .env into functions

useDotenv: true #Enable the plugin

    handler: src/app.handler
      - http: ANY /
      - http: ANY /{proxy+}
      AWS_REGION_NAME: ${self:provider.region}
      ALBUM_URL: ${env:ALBUM_URL}


Now, let's deploy it to AWS Lambda:

$ bun run serverless:deploy

If this is your first time using Serverless Framework, you will be asked to set up your AWS credentials. Please check here for further information.

> serverless deploy

DOTENV: Loading environment variables from .env:
         - JWT_SECRET
         - ALBUM_URL
         - AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME

Deploying my-serverless-app to stage dev (us-east-1, "default" provider)
Compiling with Typescript...
Using local tsconfig.json - tsconfig.json
Typescript compiled.

... snip ...

Service Information
service: my-fastify-application
stage: dev
region: us-east-1
stack: my-fastify-application-dev
api keys:
  ANY -
  ANY -{proxy+}
  app: my-fastify-application-dev-app

You can check your AWS Lambda function in AWS console. You should see a new Lambda function and API Gateway created.

AWS Permissions

If you deploy your Lambda function and API Gateway by running the above command bun run serverless:deploy, Serverless Framework will deal with AWS permissions for you as long as you set up the correct DynamoDB table names and S3 bucket name.

Enabling binary support using the API Gateway console

Next, you need to enable binary support using the API gateway console. Otherwise, the uploaded photos will be corrupted. Unfortunately, there is no way to configure serverless.yml to enable binary support. It means we have to enable it using AWS admin console.

  1. Go to API Gateway console -> Select your API -> API Settings -> Binary Media Types -> Click "Manage media types"
  2. Add image/* and multipart/form-data to the list of binary media types
  3. Redeploy your Lambda functions or it won't take effect

Please check here for the further information.

Enable API Gateway Stage Logging

If your API Gateway returns an HTTP 502 status code, you can enable API Gateway stage logging by updating stage setting to get more information. Please check here for the further information.

API endpoint list


  • /api/auth/userInfo - GET: Get user information
  • /api/auth/verifyIdToken - POST: Verify user ID token with Firebase by using Google IDP
  • /api/auth/logout - POST: User logout


  • /api/albums/:year - GET: Get albums by year
  • /api/albums - POST: Create a new album
  • /api/albums - PUT: Update an album
  • /api/albums - DELETE: Delete an album

Album tags

  • /api/albumTags - GET: Get all album tags
  • /api/albumTags - POST: Create a new album tags
  • /api/albumTags/:tagId - DELETE: Delete album tag


  • /api/photos/:year/:albumId - GET: Get photos by album ID
  • /api/photos - DELETE: Delete photos
  • /api/photos - PUT: Move photos to different folder
  • /api/photos/rename - PUT: Rename photo
  • /api/photos/upload/:albumId - POST: Upload photos to AWS S3 folder


  • /api/location/search - GET: Search location by keyword


  • /api/aggregate/:type - GET: Get aggregate data by type