Link to deployed site: SURE VOTE
SURE VOTE is a mobile friendly web-based application that is used for safe, secure voting from the user's home.
The user signs onto the site, creates a profile by signing up. The information will be stored in the secure database. The user will be asked to take a picture of themselves, which will be stored in the database and used when the voter signs in to vote. Once the user verifies their identity (providing name, address, and taking a new picture, which is compared to the one that exists in the database), they will be sent to their ballot. The user then clicks radio buttons and submits their vote for each specific election, whether federal, state, or local. When the user is done voting, they return to their profile page, where their votes can be viewed. On the profile page, the user can view election information, which is used to help them make an informed vote.
Jake Burzlaff, AJ Clemens, Layne Hansen, Collin Porter
For questions and comments, contact us at:
Jake Burzlaff | Alvin Clemens | Layne Hansen | Collin Porter