App for simulating AI-backed receipt image recognition.
- WebAPI: FastAPI
- DB: Postgres
- IaC: Airflow
are for my choice.
In this directory,
cd ml_dag_dataflow
docker compose up -d
Or you might need airflow initialization before the above line by
docker compose up airflow-init
After all the containers are ready,
on your browser, go to http://localhost:8080/ and login with
- user: airflow
- pass: airflow
"ml_task" in the DAG columns is my workflow so execute it as many as you want by clicking run button.
NOTE: one cycle only generates only one query from the corresponding id so to see the GET response in the next step, you should run several times in this step.
on your browser, go to http://localhost:8000/api/analytics/{business_id}, where business_id is 0~9 for this dev environment.
For example, if query parameter {business_id} exists, you could see this kind of response.
{"total":3116.0,"average_ai_score":0.30333334,"average_ocr_score":0.32444444,"num_valid_receipts":9,"business_id":8,"bbox":"[0.34, 0.48, 0.21, 0.92], [0.47, 0.76, 0.15, 0.83], [0.46, 0.8, 0.06, 0.29], [0.36, 0.11, 0.91, 0.41], [0.84, 0.07, 0.09, 0.76]"}
If not, it returns null.
For Airflow testing,
Go to the container commandline
curl -LfO ''
chmod +x
./ bash
- to check dag is well defined
- to check if it runs correctly
airflow dags test ml_task
- for unittest
pytest dags/tests/
DB choice: I chose SQL for storing analytics data but would be better to use NoSQL especially Key-Value DB, if # of users (business_ids) are becoming large for the following reasons.
- when accessing to SQL, it searches a target data using bussiness_id as an unique key but it costs linear time while Key-Values DB only takes constant time.
- easy to scale (like sharding with respect to id etc)
DataFlow: I defined the DAG flow for every user's input as
create_receipt -> parse_ml_response -> push_to_parsed_db
but when user's input comes more fequently (like < 3 sec interval), this dag might not be effective. If so "parse_ml_response" should not always comes after "creat_receipt" but instead can be reguraly run.
- data schema management: I defined shema at /dags/manage_data/db/create_fixtures.sql but would be manageable if using openapi.