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Clone of the popular Remember the Milk web app built on an Express.js backend with Pug templating and a Sequelize ORM on top of a PostgreSQL database.

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What is it?

QuestTrackr is a clone of the popular web app Remember the Milk with an RPG twist.


To run this application locally, you'll need to:

  1. git clone this repo
  2. cd into the local repo
  3. npm install to install the dependencies
  4. Create a .env file based on the .env.example file included in the repo with your own values
  5. Create a user on your local machine with the username and password specified in your .env file in PostgreSQL
  6. Run npx dotenv sequelize db:create to create the database
    • If the sequelize module is not found, try running npx dotenv sequelize-cli db:create and replace sequelize with sequelize-cli for the rest of these commands
  7. Run npx dotenv sequelize db:migrate to run the migrations
  8. Run npx dotenv sequelize db:seed:all to seed the database
  9. Finally, start the development server with npm start. The scripts in the package.json should do the work. You'll see the local address you can use show up in the terminal.

Technologies Used

  • PostgreSQL
  • Express.js
  • Pug.js
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • Bcryptjs
  • Express-session
  • Express-validator
  • Node.js

Live Site

Here's a link to our live app!


Here's a link to our Wiki!


Users can:

  • View open quests and choosing to take on said quests
  • Create their own quests
  • Delete their quests
  • Mark a quest they've taken as completed
  • See all the quests they've signed up for
  • See their current XP status
  • See their current quest completion summary


Some of our challenges included:

  • Getting the vanilla JavaScript to render elements from an AJAX call to an API route

Best Snippets

AJAX to API route to render the Quests on the Main Quests page at /quests.

async function createQuestDivs(category = 'all') {
  const questsContainer = document.querySelector('.quests-container');
  const res = await fetch(`/api/quests/${category}`);
  const { quests } = await res.json();
  questsContainer.innerHTML = '';

  if (!quests.length) {
    questsContainer.innerHTML = `
      <div class="errorDiv">
        <h3>No quests found in this category of ${category}</h3>

  for (let quest of quests) {
    const outerDiv = document.createElement('div');
    const nameDiv = document.createElement('div');
    const deadlineDiv = document.createElement('div');
    const xpValueDiv = document.createElement('div');
    const soloDiv = document.createElement('div');
    const categoryDiv = document.createElement('div');
    const buttonDiv = document.createElement('div');

    nameDiv.classList.add('quests-container__quest-container--name', 'quest-container');
    deadlineDiv.classList.add('quests-container__quest-container--deadline', 'quest-container');
    xpValueDiv.classList.add('quests-container__quest-container--xpValue', 'quest-container');
    categoryDiv.classList.add('quests-container__quest-container--category', 'quest-container');
    soloDiv.classList.add('quests-container__quest-container--solo', 'quest-container');
    buttonDiv.classList.add('quests-container__quest-container--button', 'quest-container');

    nameDiv.innerHTML = `
      <h4> Quest Name </h4>
      <a href="/quests/${}"><p>${}</p></a>

    deadlineDiv.innerHTML = `
      <h4> Deadline </h4>
      <p>${new Date(quest.deadline)}</p>

    xpValueDiv.innerHTML = `
      <h4> XP Value </h4>

    soloDiv.innerHTML = `
      <h4> Solo? </h4>

    if (quest.Category) {
      categoryDiv.innerHTML = `
        <h4> Category </h4>
    } else {
      categoryDiv.innerHTML = `
        <h4> Category </h4>
        <p> None </p>

    buttonDiv.innerHTML = `
      <form method="post" action="/quests/join/${}">
        <button class="join-quest-btn" id="quest-${}"> Join Quest </button>


document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async () => {
  await createQuestDivs();

  const categorySelect = document.querySelector('#category-select');
  categorySelect.addEventListener('change', async () => {
    const newValue = categorySelect.value;
    await createQuestDivs(newValue);

API Route the above code is hitting

router.get('/quests/:category([\-\\w]+)', asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {
  const category = req.params.category;
  let quests;
  if (category === 'all') {
    quests = await Quest.findAll({ include: Category, where: { completedDate: null } });
  } else {
    quests = await Quest.findAll({
      include: {
        model: Category,
        where: {
          tag: category,
      where: {
        completedDate: null,
  res.json({ quests });


Clone of the popular Remember the Milk web app built on an Express.js backend with Pug templating and a Sequelize ORM on top of a PostgreSQL database.





Contributors 4
