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Simple Flask App Rock Paper Scissors


Feel free to use the code but please keep Authorship Attribution. "This app was made by Dennis Rotnov"


Built very fast, built for fun with a kiddo.


Built with Flask. A great example of why JavaScript is suted better for this type of applications. Not only would it simplify the design but also it would run on a client side without making constant requests, and that is a deal breaker.

Coded by

Dennis Rotnov

See Live application


  1. Create Procfile with and add this line: web: gunicorn YourAppName:app
  2. requirements.txt, make sure to include gunicorn==YourVersion
  3. Create runtime.txt and add: python-3.10.0 (your version)
  4. Command line: brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku
  5. Command line: Heroku login (heroku login -i if IP is not recognized)
  6. Command line: git init
  7. Change branch name to main.
  8. Command line: git .add
  9. Command line: git commit
  10. Command line: heroku create
  11. Command line: git push heroku main
  12. Command line: heroku open


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