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#Four NTC Competencies

##Learning to learn


  • I can discern the difference between my mind being focused/unfocused on an object
  • I can focus sustained attention on a desired object for 1 minute/5 minutes/10 minutes
  • I can move focused attention at will from object to object
  • I can maintain focus on two opposing objects/perspectives
  • I can enter an open awareness – receptive – open to all experience
  • I can maintain open awareness for 1 minute/5 minutes/10 minutes
  • I can shift between the states of awareness - focused/open


  • I can discern what information I want to remember
  • I can track how well I am remembering specific information
  • I can use mnemonics to improve memory storage on specific information
  • I can use mnemonics to improve memory recall on specific information
  • I can discern what type of mnemonics are most effective for each situation
  • I can ascertain when I am unlikely to remember specific information and take other steps - notes, reminders etc
  • I can review the functioning of memory and implement changes to increase efficacy


  • I can make clear and convincing oral presentations
  • I can listen effectively
  • I can clarify information as needed
  • I can write in a clear, concise, organized, and convincing manner for the intended audience

####Problem solving

  • I can clearly define a problem
  • I can organize issues coherently
  • I can gather a range of inputs relevant to a specific problem
  • I can effectively weigh the relevance and accuracy of the information
  • I can appropriately weigh people’s needs and desires involved in a problem
  • I can effectively use the inputs to problem solve
  • I can create possible solutions/prototypes to a problem
  • I can use problem solving methods that are appropriate to the situation
  • I can analyze and test possible solutions/prototypes
  • I can come to clear coherent solutions
  • I can track the effectiveness of solutions over time
  • I can articulate and navigate tradeoffs
  • I can make recommendations

####Decision making

  • I can gather a range of applicable inputs to inform a decision
  • I can effectively use inputs, to inform making a good decision
  • I can organize emerging issues -- Before the DMP -- During the DMP as they evolve
  • I can structure a decision making process
  • I can weigh people’s needs and desires appropriately when making decisions
  • I can arrive at clear, coherent outcomes
  • I can articulate and navigate tradeoffs
  • I can evaluate risk/reward and include them as dimensions of the DMP
  • I can navigate uncertainty and make decisions without complete information


  • I can define the limits of my knowledge
  • I can outline the known unknowns
  • I can acknowledge the possibility of the unknown unknowns
  • I can define desired learning outcomes
  • I can articulate my own biases and beliefs clearly
  • I can approach challenges with a beginners mind
  • I can think laterally/outside the box
  • I can consider other perspectives
  • I can simplify complex situations
  • I can acknowledge that I may not be right
  • I can turn towards failure as a source for learning
  • I can discern the difference between beliefs, theories and knowledge
  • I can determine when to ask for help/support
  • I can effectively formulate questions
  • I can distinguish between study and practice
  • I can dedicate myself to distinct periods of study, and practice
  • I can reflect on how task relevant what I am learning is
  • I can elicit information from another with the appropriate question
  • I can ‘jump in at the deep end’ as a strategy
  • I can structure my environment to be around people who I can learn from
  • I can determine who would be a good mentor
  • I can identify areas in which I often experience failure and focus on those areas
  • I can locate examples of what I want to learn and study them
  • I can record the development of what I am learning in a coherent form
  • I can develop and maintain mechanisms for receiving objective data about my learning
  • I can maintain a reading list to track the books/articles I want to read, and to remember the books/articles that I have read


  • I can realistically estimate how productive I will be over an hour/day/week
  • I can determine objectives and set priorities
  • I can create and set realistic goals
  • I can track the status and advancement of projects
  • I can accurately assess my own productivity
  • I can use tools to increase my productivity
  • I can adapt rapidly to new information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles
  • I can effectively use LG player support
  • I can establish a healthy work/life balance
  • I can evaluate the benefit of another hour’s work on a task
  • I can submit ‘good enough’ work when required
  • I can accurately predict the length of time a task will take
  • I can reflect on the accuracy of my predictions and adjust my assessment of my capacities accordingly
  • I can retreat to competence when I am overwhelmed
  • I can make well-informed, effective, and timely decisions, even when data is limited
  • I can make effective, and timely decisions even when the solutions produce unpleasant consequences
  • I can perceive the impact and implications of decisions

####Story Telling [?]

##Self Mastery

####Self awareness

  • I can sense my arms and legs
  • I can discern which areas of the body I can feel and which I cannot
  • I can sense my entire body
  • I can discern emotions in the body/mind
  • I can distinguish between emotions and sensations
  • I can distinguish between different emotions and how they show up in the body/mind
  • I can track changes in emotions over 5 minutes
  • I can notice how I interpret the inner landscape – triggered, tired, really on
  • I can discern when thinking is being driven by emotion
  • I can tell how functional I am in a specific moment - tired/resourced/alert etc
  • I can track my triggers to their historical context

####Emotional regulation

  • I can notice when I am triggered
  • I can notice when I am not triggered
  • I can discern the degree to which I am triggered
  • I can notice that I am about to be triggered
  • I can stop impulsive reactions when I am triggered
  • I can step out of a situation when triggered without acting out
  • I can stay in a situation when triggered without acting out
  • I can pause and assess a range of responses when triggered
  • I can respond appropriately when triggered
  • I can notice when I am not expressing myself
  • I can discern why I am not expressing myself
  • I can modulate how much I express to meet specific situations
  • I can down regulate and relax at will


  • I can discern when I am motivated and when I am lacking motivation
  • I can articulate what motivates me in work and personal life
  • I can articulate the core values of my life
  • I can discern how aligned my present life is with those core values
  • I can use the lenses of Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose to clarify my motivation
  • I can articulate a clear vision of where I would like to be in 5 years from now, in my professional and personal life
  • I can distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic motivators
  • I can harness intrinsic motivators
  • I can harness extrinsic motivators

####Inner critic management [Drama Triangle as a separate thing?]

  • I can question the validity of my negative thoughts and ideas
  • I can clearly identify and notice the inner critic
  • I can discern when my functioning is being compromised by the internal critic
  • I can identify the characteristics of an inner critic’s voice
  • I can tell when I am free of the internal critic
  • I can defend against the inner critic
  • I can be kind to myself in the face of the inner critic
  • I can tell when the defense has been effective
  • I can notice when I am being critical of another person
  • I can dis-identify from the part of me that is being critical
  • I can notice when I am talking to someone from my inner critic
  • I can stop when I find myself talking to someone from my inner critic
  • I can defend against my inner critic and continue a conversation
  • I can tell when other people are under inner critic attack
  • I can tell when other people are talking to me from their inner critic
  • I can trace the inner critic’s attacks to their historical context


  • I can show up on time
  • I can keep my word
  • I can be honest with myself and others
  • I can be fair
  • I can show consistency in my words and actions.
  • I can accept responsibility for mistakes.
  • I can comply with established control systems and rules.
  • I can ‘keep it real’
  • I can choose what's right over what's fun, fast or easy
  • I can communicate and act in a genuine way
  • I can give a heads up when I am going to break an agreement
  • I can fix it when I am out of integrity
  • I can ask what a restorative action would be when I am out of integrity with another person
  • I can be accountable for my actions
  • I can choose courage over comfort in my relationships. I can take risks by telling the truth rather than accommodating my ego and others.


  • I can deal effectively with pressure
  • I can remain optimistic and persistent, even under adversity
  • I can recover quickly from setbacks


####Interpersonal Skills

  • I can treat others with courtesy, sensitivity, and respect
  • I can consider and respond appropriately to the needs and feelings of different people in different situations

####Influencing / Negotiating

  • I can persuade others
  • I can build consensus through give and take
  • I can gain cooperation from others to obtain information and accomplish goals

####Team Building

  • I can inspire and foster team commitment, spirit, pride, and trust
  • I can facilitate cooperation and motivate team members to accomplish group goals

####Conflict Management

  • I can encourage creative tension and differences of opinions
  • I can anticipate and take steps to prevent counter-productive confrontations
  • I can manage and resolve conflicts and disagreements in a constructive manner

####Meeting Facilitation

  • I can create an agenda with input from all stakeholders
  • I can lead meetings that cover all of the issues and end on time
  • I can bring in equal participation from all participants
  • I can maintain group focus and energy throughout my meetings
  • I can adapt to new issues that arise in the meeting
  • I can facilitate through complicated topics and come to clear conclusions
  • I can facilitate disagreements effectively
  • I can use multiple different formats for meetings

####Effective Participation in Meetings

  • I can stay present during a meeting
  • I can follow the flow of a meeting and make contributions at the appropriate times
  • I can articulate questions and contributions succinctly
  • I can build on the contributions of other participants
  • I can participate in meetings in ways that increase other participants’ inclusion and contributions
  • I can track the full scope of the meeting to help the group come to clear outcomes

####Decision making and problem solving

  • I can articulate the problem/question
  • I can gather relevant information
  • I can analyze the problem
  • I can create solutions
  • I can make a decision
  • I can see problem from more than one perspective, especially ones that contradict my interests
  • I can gather and use information from several sources
  • I have developed a tolerance for ambiguity
  • I can lay out the points of contradiction and convergence
  • I can brainstorm possible solutions
  • I can define my criteria for success and make decisions based on them
  • I can reframe issues into opportunities
  • I can actively gather multiple forms of information, including context and discovering unknown unknowns
  • I can break issues into parts to analyze them separately and then reintegrate them
  • I can integrate and synthesize contradictory information,
  • I can track evolving, multivariable understandings
  • I have a high tolerance for ambiguity
  • I can use multiple creative tools for analysis
  • I can play out multiple scenarios with multiple variables to foresee outcomes
  • I can create solutions that balance competing needs and desires
  • I can use multiple, creative tools and formats for decision making

####Conflict resolution

  • I can articulate the issues in a conflict
  • I can stay present during a conflict
  • I can listen to all of the sides
  • I can hold my ground
  • I can name what I would see as a resolution
  • I can track my emotions and reactions during a conflict
  • I can sort my perspectives to find the essential issues
  • I can listen to all of the sides and track the multiple threads
  • I can enter the conflict knowing what my issues, triggers and story are
  • I can see when I am triggered and bring myself back into presence
  • I can put myself in the other person’s shoes
  • I can empathize with all sides in the conflict
  • I can articulate the content of the conflict from my own point of view
  • I can articulate the my feelings involved in the conflict
  • I can articulate my identity issues - I am a good person, am I competent, am I worth of love
  • I can articulate my idea of the conflict from the other person’s point of view
  • I can articulate my idea of the other person’s feelings in the conflict
  • I can articulate my idea of the other person’s identity issues - I am a good person, am I competent, am I worth of love
  • I can tell my story of the conflict
  • I can invite the other person to tell their story of the conflict
  • I can discern the points of disagreement and common ground
  • I can offer resolutions that take into account the needs of all sides
  • I can see conflict and disagreement as generative
  • I can create a safe container, even when I am one of the parties in the conflict
  • I can help people drop below their positions to find their interests
  • I can hold my ground even in the face of aggression

####Team building/Team culture

  • I can learn about the personalities of all of my teammates -- work and communication styles
  • I can articulate my own styles to my team
  • I can contribute to my team’s well-being
  • I can track the feel and moods of my team
  • I can work with the strengths of my teammates individually and collectively
  • I can help my team become of what is happening in group dynamics
  • I can help my team navigate hard issues/bad days/set backs
  • I can work with my teammates growth edges, learning curves and struggles (aka teammates’ shit, shadow, and shortcomings)
  • I can help my team optimize our effectiveness by leveraging our diversity
  • I can actively lead in my pod to develop the team's capacities

##Navigating systems

####Industry Mapping

  • I can draw a visual diagram of how the software development industry is laid out, including key organizations, important developers, and popular languages/frameworks. Using my diagram
  • I can mentor others on the opportunities and obstacles in the industry

####Historical Contextualization

  • I can discuss the merits and ramifications of any particular decision made by my company or community based on its historical context
  • I can engage with and articulate the socioeconomic, racial, and gender dynamics at play in society, the technology industry, the software development industry, any given company I’ve worked in, any meeting room I’ve sat in, and any online community I’ve participated in through the lens of historical trends in any of these environments.
  • I can use historical contexts to implement meaningful changes in the present
  • I can use historical contexts to drive future improvements

####Leveraging Diversity

  • I can foster an inclusive workplace where diversity and individual differences are valued

####Product Generation

  • I can create externally valued, useful products
  • I can make contributions to open-source software and get my contributions accepted by the repositories' owners

####Linguistic Decoding

  • I can translate across linguistic codes used by different entities/populations
  • I can draw people into a conversation regardless of who they are, their background knowledge, or the topic of the conversation.

####Dignity Propagation

  • I can identify dignified behavior in others and appropriately acknowledge and/or reward it.
  • I can model dignified behavior for others.
  • I can inspire others to support me, respect me, cooperate and/or compete with me without resorting to typical power dynamics or politics


  • Describe