New Features
- Add Improved Build Function
The build function that generates a static site was replaced by a new one.
The new build function is a much more improved version than the previous one.
The new build function architecture is modular which wasn't the case with the old one.
Here are some functionalities of the new build function:
- Asynchronously ensures that the specified folders exist on the file system
- Asynchronously removes empty folders recursively
- Filter the copy of the "static" folder into "_site/static"
- Provides a cleaner and safer way to write files in asynchronous code
- Removed "build.js" file from "functions" folder
- Added a "build" folder into "functions" folder
- Added a "helpers" folder into "build" folder → Holds helper functions of build process
- Added a "routes" folder into "build" folder → Holds the functions to create various pages
- Added new "build.js" file into "build" folder → New build function
- Changed the path of "build" script in "package.json"