This is my repository for the code used to detect VPE and identify the antecedents of VPE. This code was used for the paper Verb Phrase Ellipsis Resolution Using Discriminative and Margin-Infused Algorithms by Kian Kenyon-Dean (myself), Jackie Chi Kit Cheung and Doina Precup , submitted and accepted to EMNLP 2016.
The code needs to be cleaned up, which I will get to eventually; in particular, many of the files in the repo are deprecated and should be removed.
After cleaning up the code, I will provide a general overview of the files and their functionality, with an explanation of how to replicate our experiments. To save time, we often pickled our data, so some lines will need to be commented/uncommented to build/load the feature sets stored locally in pickled files (eventually I'll just use an ArgumentParser to provide more elegant functionality).