allows to explore within-person changes and between person differences in measurement models in (intensive) longitudinal data by means of three-step continuous-time latent Markov factor analysis (LMFA).
You can download the development version from GitHub as follow:
install.packages("devtools"); library(devtools)
After successful installation, you can perform LMFA by means of the three-step estimation. The package consists of three main functions that are shown below. For details about the function arguments, see the function documentations, which can be opened with ?functionname
- The step 1 function estimates the state-specific factor analysis models by means of an expectation maximization algorithm (with or without model selection):
n_state = NULL,
n_fact = NULL,
modelselection = FALSE,
n_state_range = NULL,
n_fact_range = NULL,
n_starts = 25,
n_initial_ite = 10,
n_m_step = 10,
em_tolerance = 1e-8,
m_step_tolerance = 1e-3,
max_iterations = 1000,
n_mclust = 5)
- The step 2 function obtains the posterior state-membership probabilities and the modal state assignments and calculates the classification error:
step2(data, model)
- The step 3 function estimates the transitions between the states (conditional on covariates) by means of a continuous-time latent Markov model:
timeintervals = NULL,
initialCovariates = NULL,
transitionCovariates = NULL,
n_starts = 25,
n_initial_ite = 10,
method = "BFGS",
max_iterations = 10000,
tolerance = 1e-10,
scaling = "proxi")
If you have any suggestions or if you found any bugs, please feel free to contact me via email.