Library that allows you to get the Cloudflare clearance token and the related User-Agent.
It uses headless-chrome
under the hood with the --disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled
argument passed.
The first parameter is the URL and the second is a CSS selector that should be available in the site to ensure that the Cloudflare captcha was passed.
let params = bypass_cloudflare::get_params("", "p.lead")
.map_err(|err| err.to_string())?;
You can also use bypass_cloudflare::get_params_with_interceptor
with an interceptor to, for example, load only certain resources instead of requesting everything in the page.
struct MinimalInterceptor {}
impl RequestInterceptor for MinimalInterceptor {
fn intercept(
_transport: Arc<Transport>,
_session_id: SessionId,
event: RequestPausedEvent,
) -> RequestPausedDecision {
match event.params.resource_Type {
ResourceType::Document | ResourceType::Script | ResourceType::Xhr => {
_ => RequestPausedDecision::Fail(FailRequest {
error_reason: Network::ErrorReason::BlockedByClient,
request_id: event.params.request_id,
let interceptor: Arc<dyn RequestInterceptor + Send + Sync> = Arc::new(MinimalInterceptor {});
let params = bypass_cloudflare::get_params_with_interceptor("", "p.lead", interceptor)
.map_err(|err| err.to_string())?;