- 👋 Hi, I’m @Lew-Morris
- 👀 I’m interested in software engineering, cybersecurity and new technologies
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Rust
- 📫 How to reach me: lewis@lewismorris.dev
- 🖥️ I am currently using Ubuntu and Windows for development
- A reimplementation of OpenCV's filter2D algorithm
- Grade: 78/100
- Repository
- Module: Computer Vision
- Language: Python
Occupancy Grid Mapping
- An autonomous Webots robot designed to build an occupancy grid (map) of its surroundings
- Repository - Private until deadline has passed
- Grade: 72/100
- Module: Autonomous mobile robotics
- Language: Python
Password manager
- A locally stored password manager with a GUI, SMS 2FA for login, SHA256 and AES256 encryption, and a backup password/PIN to recover passwords.
- Grade: A
- Subject: Computer Science A-Level
- Language: VB.NET
- User login with encrypted details stored in a MySQL database
- Multi-factor authentication using Twillio API(SMS)
- Salted and hashed passwords utilising AES-256, stored in an OpenSQL database
- Complex password generator with user-defined parameters
- An encrypted 32 character recovery key saved locally to prevent data loss
What I learned
- Experience in all stages of the SDLC (Software-Development-Life-Cycle)
- Encryption standards
- Secure personal data storage practices
- Account security practices (Unique passwords, 2FA)