An app created to allow users to search meteorite strikes.
Created as part of Chingu's voyage-9 prework (tier 3).
Create an application that provides users with the ability to explore meteorite strikes across the globe by searching the Meteorite Landing dataset on the Nasa Open Data Portal.
This application should allow you to:
- Meteorite landings are displayed in alphabetical order on the name of the landing location.
- Users may scroll through the list of landings, or use the search box to search for a names that include the entered search term.
- Searches are case independent. This means the user may type searches in lower, upper, or mixed case (like Case, case, or cASe) and the same results will be returned.
- The results list can be reset to its original contents by clearing the search box and clicking the 'Search' button.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.