Test task from SKYPRO. Simple RESTful app for automating socks warehouse via dedicated endpoints.
Project uses containerization with Docker Compose for PostgreSQL.
1. clone git repository https://github.com/Lexxkit/SocksStockRESTapi.git
2. run Docker on your machine
3. open 'docker-compose.yaml' in project and run it OR type 'docker-compose up' in a terminal
4. run 'SocksStockAutApplication'
- JavaDoc available at: https://lexxkit.github.io/SocksStockRESTapi/
- SwaggerUI available after launching the app at: http://localhost:8080/api/swagger-ui/index.html
- DB schema image available at: https://github.com/Lexxkit/SocksStockRESTapi/blob/feat/create-app/DB_schema/App_DB_schema.png
Java 17
Spring Boot 2
SpringDoc OpenAPI UI
Create an application to automate the accounting of socks in the store. The storekeeper should be able to:
- record the income and outcome of socks;
- find out the total amount of socks of a certain color and composition at a given time.
The application's external interface is represented as an HTTP API (REST).
Records socks income
Records socks outcome
Returns the total number of socks in stock that match the query criteria passed in the parameters.