A simple array of miner in computer craft
You will need multiple enderchests from the ender storage mod, 56 mining turtles (can be modified in the master.lua file (will be called startup on the master turtle)
This is still work in progress, it's very likely still full of bugs
Make sure all of the turtles have atleast a wireless modem and that the slaves have a pickaxe The pocket computer will need an endem modem as it,s equipped peripheral
open the turtle you want as the master and copy into the shell : wget run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LhAlant/ComputerCraftMiningArray/main/mastersetup.lua
open the turtles you want as the slaves and copy into the shell : wget run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LhAlant/ComputerCraftMiningArray/main/slavesetup.lua
open the pocket computer you want to use as the remote to stop the turtles and copy into the shell : wget run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LhAlant/ComputerCraftMiningArray/main/remotesetup.lua