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  • Fetch not working in vercel because i add free plan key from exchangerate API and use HTTP not HTTPS, but work in local.


  • React.js + TypeScript + Axios + CSS + Vite.

How it works:

  • We Can Choose Start_Date & End_Date then fetch Data from exchangerate API.

  • After Choosing a Start&End Dates will display into a HTML Table of exchange rates for EGP and CAD currencies, One row per day of selected range.

    Date Range Picker Functionality:

  • Allows users to pick a starting date and an end date.

  • Provides validation to ensure that both start and end dates are provided.

  • Enforces the condition that the start date must be smaller than the end date - & reverse.

  • Handles fetching data from the API based on the selected date range.

  • Provides feedback to the user with error messages and a loading indicator during data fetching.

    Named Ranges:

  • Allows users to select named ranges such as the last N days.

  • Clicking on a named range sets the start and end dates accordingly.

    Styling and Customization:

  • Provides flexibility for styling by allowing custom class name and inline styles for the component and the button.

  • Renders the button with a background color specified by the buttonBgColor prop.

    Table of Exchange Rates:

  • Renders the fetched exchange rates in a table format with the date, EGP, and CAD rates.

    Additional Considerations:

  • Utilizes utility functions to get the current date and calculate the date of the last N days.

  • Proper error handling and feedback to the user in case of errors during data fetching.

  • Flexible Component:

          dynamicRanges={dynamicRanges} // dynamic ranges
          className="custom-date-picker" // Add custom class name
          rangesButtonStyle={{ background: '#001684', color: '#fff' }} // Add custom button background color
          style={{  }} // Add custom inline styles
          fetchData={fetchData} // Pass the fetchData function as prop

Project Setup

npm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run dev

Compile and Minify for Production

npm run build